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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
Agendas and Packets
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Last modified
4/15/2010 2:59:11 PM
Creation date
4/13/2010 2:23:35 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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~ ®ver et a Fiscal iscl®sre ®icies <br />PURPOSE <br />The City has always had the policy of openness and disclosure. To ensure that city related groups such as <br />commissions, committees, associations, and joint powers organizations are aware and reflect this <br />openness, it is understood that any policy-making which directly impacts the fiscal health of the <br />community is expected to be disclosed properly and timely to the public. This policy includes disclosure <br />in both the spirit of openness and within the requirements of the appropriate state statutes. <br />POLICY <br />Coverage <br />® The City will conduct the governmental fiscal and budgetary policy deliberations in a public <br />space, preferably either in City Hall, the Activity Center or other city halls, libraries, etc. and in a <br />space which is accessible. <br />® The proceedings are to be broadcast or recorded in either video or voice mode. <br />® The City will prepare and provide summaries of proposed and final documents related to fiscal <br />issues, which will be presented and discussed in an open meeting setting as described above. <br />® All City committees, commissions, joint power organizations and other groups on which any <br />person from the city staff or any member of the City Council is either requested or is required to <br />serve and establishes fiscal policies regarding City Funds, will adhere to the same open <br />government procedures and process outlined above. <br />® Committees, commissions and other groups which do not make fiscal policy regarding City <br />Funds, are expected to provide for at least a 72 hour advance meeting notice, to hold the meetings <br />at locations which are readily accessible to all. <br />Proceedings of Required Groups <br />® Copies of minutes and either a video or audio tape of fiscal policy deliberations shall be kept on <br />file with the City Manager's office for at least a 1-year period of time. <br />~ Where possible reports, budgets and other approved documents shall be kept at an accessible <br />place in City Hall, at the Roseville Branch of the Ramsey County Library, and where feasible and <br />practical, as part of the City's web page. <br />IMPLEMEl`dTATION <br />This policy will become effective upon formal approval of the City Council and shall be in force and <br />considered as part of the City's fiscal policies. <br />II-18 <br />
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