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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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4/13/2010 3:24:10 PM
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4/13/2010 3:16:10 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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Page 4 TE LK Summer 1999 <br />- •~ _, - <br />Two farmstead ring dikes in the Wild Rice Watershed District (Red River Valley). The Flood Damage Reduction Program has <br />funded the construction of over 100 ring dikes. There are another 200 farmstead ring dikes planned for the future. <br />...contlnued from page 3 <br />authorized $30 million in FDR funds for federal flood <br />control projects in Chaska, East Grand Forks, Marshall, <br />Stillwater and Warren as well as a number of other state <br />and local flood damage reduction proj:.cts. To signifi- <br />cantly reduce Minnesota's risk to flood damages will <br />require at least 104+ million over the next 15-20 years. <br />It is hoped. that some stable level of base funding will <br />be achieved so that DNR Waters is able to more <br />effectively budget and deal with,f!ood damages on an <br />annual basis. <br />The overwhelmingly positive response of the <br />legislature to the Floods of 1997 and in the 1998 capital <br />bonding session also created the need for revisions to <br />the FDR program. In order to become more responsive <br />to local units of government and to improve customer <br />service as well as to improve accountability for the <br />monies spent, FDR program staff redeveloped all <br />aspects of the FDR program. The improvement efforts <br />focused on a new and shorter contract form, simplified <br />grant application forms, application procedures and <br />project scoring criteria., the development of a program <br />brochure and most importantly, the development of a <br />FDR program tracking database. The database will <br />allow FDR staff to more easily track the number and <br />types of applications received, the difference between <br />the dollar amounts applied for, versus dollars awarded <br />and the amount of money leveraged from the federal <br />government. The database will be linked to a GIS <br />format so that data can be tracked. and reported <br />spatially as well as graphically. The new. program <br />materials were presented to local units of government <br />in a series of statewide workshops in February 1999. <br />DNR Waters anticipates sponsoring a similar series of <br />workshops with more agencies and more technical and <br />financial assistance information in the coming year. <br />The ravages of flooding can have disastrous effects <br />on peoples lives and their community. Participation in <br />the FDR program enables communities to break the <br />tremendously expensive damage-repair cycle and is <br />extremely cost effective. The FDR program shields <br />people and their communities from future disasters. For <br />more information on the FDR program, call or write: <br />Ed Fick (651) 215-1954 or Doug Losee (651) 297-3899. <br />Minnesota DNR Waters <br />FDR Program Coordinator <br />500 Lafayette Road, Box 32 <br />St. Paul, MN 55155-4032 <br />Fax: {651) 296-0445 <br />
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