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Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/14/2010 9:40:31 AM
Creation date
4/14/2010 9:28:06 AM
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Grass Lake WMO
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• Sometimes it feels like too much of a `good old boys' network on the lake. I think sending out this survey to <br />get all the views is excellent. I think attempts to control the weeds are good. However, at times it feels like the <br />views /opinions of well known individuals are the ones listened to. <br />• Lake management is the responsibility of everyone. <br />• We feel very fortunate to live next to this wonderful resource. Let's preserve it! <br />• Overall, Lake Owasso is a good lake. The lakewatch program is good as long as you are not getting harassed <br />every time you go out on a weekend day or weekend evening. Weed control needs to be better. I've spoken <br />with my neighbors and their weeds are very bad too. <br />• I hope the communication and cooperation between the Lake Association, DNR and watershed management <br />continues. <br />• Concerned that deeper areas need to be dredged to allow for deeper areas and to compensate for marked <br />amounts of sediment accumulation. Consider weed harvesting instead of herbicides to get rid of our large bio- <br />load. <br />• I have seen this lake grow, property develop around it, use increase and recreational opportunities expand <br />beyond our wildest dreams. I've not always been in favor of some changes, but knew that w/o proper <br />management, we could lose the lake completely. The Lake Owasso Association has put forth yeoman efforts <br />to manage it properly and the success has put us far ahead of any other lake. <br />• Enjoy living on the lake -fun to watch activities even though I don't take active part in many. <br />• Let's get the goose program back in action and take more geese (away). <br />• I like the lake. There seems to be a good mix of fishing and boating. I hope the lake remains a good resource <br />for the whole community, not just the lakeshore residents. <br />• I think the people that live on the lake know how to act, and have a real concern about what happens around <br />here. The weekenders sometimes present the problems, maybe the water patrol should pay a little attention to <br />that. <br />• It would be great to have a cross country trail around the perimeter of the lake that snowmobiles and trucks <br />didn't run over. If it were close to the shore, it wouldn't limit them and would be fun. It would also reduce <br />snowmobile noise if they didn't hug the shore. <br />• We appreciate that someone is staying on top of this stuff: We would rather live here than anywhere. <br />• Thanks for the good efforts. <br />• I appreciate the efforts of those involved in the Association - we think the quality of life on Lake Owasso is <br />incredible. Thank you! <br />• Last year's weed treatment was inadequate and in no way extended to 150' from shore (barely 75'). Someone <br />was regularly waterskiing behind a pontoon using headlights an hour after dark. Many boaters don't use lights <br />after dark. <br />• We've handled problems as they have arisen for years now. I see absolutely no reason to change. It's the <br />people who trailer in that are the problem. But because of what we have available to us, we do keep it under <br />control. I feel we've managed the lake wonderfully -with the police enforcement, the Lake Watch and the <br />weed spraying/control. <br />• The lake is a valuable asset to the area, generating large properly taxes. The access should be limited during <br />the summer. If you go up to Rice & N. Owasso, there is a significant amount of trailered boats. Lake Owasso <br />gets an inordinate amount of usage next to the other local lakes. <br />• As the population increases, Lake Owasso and boat landing will become more heavily used. There will be <br />more boats, more noise, more disturbance. Now is the time to make a water park in the SW bay which is too <br />narrow and mucky for good water skiing. Let it be a nature area, a shelter for fisherman, water birds, canoes, <br />muskrats -but not for motorboats, waterskis or jet skis. <br />• I do not like the Sheriff out on the lake hassling some people, but not others. <br />• Kudos to the Executive Committee of the Lake Owasso Association. Thanks for your work. <br />• High taxes don't give you a decent return. People who live off the lake use it more and don't contribute. <br />• I am not anti-waterskiing. In the best of possible worlds, I wish Roseville had developed its lakes the way <br />Minneapolis did with the shore as park property, public walkways and non-motorized boats. <br />• I don't think we should have aircraft on the lake as we have a seaplane base at Rice Lake and also the river in <br />St. Paul. We have too much boat traffic on this lake to compete with aircraft. One day we are going to have an <br />accident. <br />• Overall, we find the lake a valuable and enjoyable asset. <br />• We are pleased with the management of the lake, except the weed control noted above (lack of County <br />involvement in open area). <br />
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