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The GLWMO and member cities are to identify outcome-based goals for the watershed and specific <br />resources and meet annually to discuss progress. Trend analyses will be used to track water quality <br />trends. Performance analyses will be used to track the completion of implementation tasks. <br />1.7 Plan Organization <br />The Grass Lake WMO Watershed Management Plan addresses the challenge of managing <br />stormwater runoff and maintaining the quality of existing water resources. The plan outlines the <br />regulations involved, assesses the water quality of specific resources, sets goals and policies for the <br />watershed and its resources and lists implementation tasks to achieve the goals. The plan also <br />discusses the financial considerations of implementing the plan and other funding sources that may <br />be available. The plan is organized into six sections summarized as follows: <br />Section 1.0 Executive Summary -provides background information on the GLWMO, discusses <br />specific GLWMO resources, introduces GLWMO goals, and summarizes the plan contents, <br />Section 2.0 Land and Water Resource Inventory -presents information about GLWMO's climate, <br />precipitation, topography, soils, geology, groundwater, land use, public utilities, surface waters, <br />natural communities and rare species, and pollutant sources. This is the foundation information that <br />describes the surface and subsurface conditions of the watershed. <br />Section 3.0 Regulatory Framework -describes the federal, state, and local governmental controls <br />and programs that affect water resources in the GLWMO, and the roles and responsibilities of the <br />enforcing agencies. <br />Section 4.0 Assessment of Problems and Issues -presents current and historic water quality <br />information and stormwater and runoff rate issues pertaining to specific water resources in the <br />GLWMO. This section also addresses problems and issues experienced on a watershed wide basis. <br />These broad issues include nonpoint source pollution, erosion and sediment control, and the <br />importance of a wetland classification. system. <br />Section 5.0 Goals and Policies -sets the mission of the GLWMO and the vision for its water <br />resources. The section sets goals for specific water bodies, managing stormwater, controlling <br />erosion, preserving wetlands, enhancing wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities, public <br />education, performance evaluation, and financing of the implementation program. The goals are <br />Grass Lake WMO Watershed Management Plan 04/25/00 Draft <br />\\NS2\WP\WP\23\62\645\plan\Grass Lake WMO plan.doc Page 1-13 <br />