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7. ADMINISTRATORS REPORT <br />WERF Stormwater Stakeholders Meeting Report <br />Cliff submitted a report on his attendance at this meeting held in Chicago on June 7. This organization <br />is the research. arm of the Water Environment Federation, and they are forming a stormwater research <br />technical advisory committee. Cliff has submitted his name for consideration to serve on the committee, <br />which Board members supported, citing the benefits of increased networking possibilities. <br />2002 Budget and Work Program <br />Cliff summarized the Fiscal Year 2002 rough draft budget as outlined in his July 11 memo. In August, <br />he will request authorization. to send the draft budget and work program to the cities and counties within <br />the District for review and comment. In September, he will need authorization to submit our <br />preliminary levy to the counties. <br />Cliff reviewed. seven potential activities/projects: <br />• Flood prone properties acquisition fund [Board consensus--remove from budget] <br />• County Ditch 7A Diversion Improvement <br />• Phalen Chain of Lakes Diagnostic Study <br />• Woodbury Infiltration Research Project <br />• East Tamarack Swamp Ditch Block Project <br />• Early buy down of Beltline Repair <br />• Early buy down of Tanners SRF Debt <br />Hoyt-Montana Project Update <br />The City of St. Paul has notified the District that the entire project cost has decreased from $6;750,000 <br />to $4,500,000, and they know if the District's contribution would change as a result. The <br />District has already levied for their commitment of $500,000, which would have to be re-allocated if the <br />District were to reduce their contribution. The Board chose not to reduce their contribution. to the City <br />of St. Paul. <br />Cliff also reported that the Watershed Management Plan amendment to add the Hoyt-Montana Flood <br />Control section has been approved by B WSR. <br />8. TREASURERS REPORT AND BILL LIST <br />Motion: Bob Johnson moved, Roger Lake seconded,. to approve the Bill List, and also the Supplemental <br />Bill List for July 11, 2001. Motion carried. <br />9. OTHER BUSINESS <br />MAWD Summer Tour <br />Paul Ellefson reported on a favorable committee response when he brought up the need for the <br />Resolutions Committee to promote major scientific research issues. <br />10. ADJOURN <br />Pam Skinner moved, Roger Lake seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted: <br />Robert Johnson, Secretary <br />Page 4 July i i, 2001 RWMWD Minutes <br />