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Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/15/2010 12:07:27 PM
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4/14/2010 3:02:59 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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Invitation to Tour 3M Corporate Campus <br />The Board has been invited to tour the 3M corporate campus. This invitation resulted from earlier <br />discussions between District staff and members of the 3M Environmental Technology & Services division. <br />Staff were impressed by the efforts they devote to campus stormwater concerns. We are- also interested in <br />collaborating with 3M on the possibility of parking lot redesigns and infiltration systems. The Board <br />accepted the invitation and agreed to a tour date of August 16 from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. <br />8. TREASURERS REPORT AND BILL LIST <br />Motion: Jack Frost moved, Bob Johnson seconded, to approve the Bill List, and also the Supplemental Bill <br />List for August 1, 2001. Motion carried. <br />9. SPECIAL ORDERS <br />Well Sealing Resolution No. 01-07 <br />Motion: Roger Lake moved, Bob Johnson seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 01-07 to approve cost share <br />funding for 3 well sealing program applications. Motion carried. <br />FY2002 Work Program & Budget Review and Discussion <br />Discussion began on the 7/26/01 draft Work Program Summary. The Strategic Lake Management Plans <br />section lists the continuation of the 2001 program aimed at updating of FEMA floodplain maps and adding <br />a layer to the GIS system. Cliff stated that we will have new topographic maps by the end of the year. <br />When all data is assembled, the materials must be forwarded to FEMA for review and approval, which is <br />expected to be ready for submittal in 2002. <br />Paul Ellefson would like to offer additional funding to the Reed Canary Grass Control Research Project. <br />Cliff stated that funds are currently budgeted, but it could be continued in FY2003. <br />Discussion moved to Cliff's budget memo (revised July 27), which incorporates changes made since last <br />month's discussion. Board consensus was to include the following studies and projects in the FY2002 <br />budget: <br />® Beltline Watershed Modeling (estimated cost $74,000). <br />® County Ditch 7A Diversion Improvement (estimated cost $98,700). <br />• Phalen Chain of Lakes Diagnostic Study (estimated cost $240,000). <br />® Woodbury Infiltration Demonstration Project (estimated cost $169,000). <br />® East Tamarack Swamp Ditch Block Project (estimated cost $106,400). <br />Motion: Moved by Roger Lake, seconded by Bob Johnson, to approve the- draft FY2002 budget as <br />amended for distribution to cities and counties for review and comment prior to the October public hearing. <br />Discussion was held on the motion when Paul Ellefson asked if further investments are warranted to <br />expand the scope of current projects, such as Phalen Lakeshore Restoration, or to start new projects, such <br />as NPDES issues or the purchase of experimental street sweeping equipment. Motion carried. <br />10. ADJOURN <br />Motion: Bob Johnson moved, Roger Lake seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted: <br />Robert Johnson, Secretary <br />Page 3 <br />August 1, 2001 RWMWD Minutes <br /> <br />
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