<br />uotables:
<br />"There is long-standing
<br />tradition manifest in culture and
<br />law, giving authority for relegating
<br />land use to the lowest levels of our
<br />government, counties and
<br />municipalities. Hence, it is
<br />arguable that the future of
<br />conservation in the U.S. depends in
<br />a fundamental tivay on influencing
<br />decisions about and at the local
<br />level. Collaboration is the very
<br />essence of conservation planning. "
<br />Multiple benefits of
<br />agriculture explained
<br />The Land Stewardship Project has com-
<br />pleted atwo-year study of the effects of
<br />diverse agriculture operations (as opposed
<br />to monocultural). It is economically and
<br />environmentally beneficial to shift agricul-
<br />ture toward more diverse systems on
<br />actively farmed land -and if financial
<br />incentives motivate change, citizens are
<br />very willing to pay.
<br />An Economic, Environmental & Social
<br />Analysis is available online at
<br />,click on
<br />Resources. The full report is accessible on
<br />that page, and it contains a live link to a
<br />page with more info about "multiple
<br />benefits." Call LSP, 651-653-0618.
<br />drives increased urbanization and in-
<br />dustrialization, resulting in pollution and
<br />degradation of the world's freshwater eco-
<br />systems.The report is awake-up call on the
<br />urgent need to protect freshwater systems.
<br />The N WF report combines and synthesizes,
<br />for the first time, water and population data
<br />collected from a wide array of sources,
<br />revealing the intimate connection between
<br />growing human population and increased
<br />water demands to support industrialization,
<br />agricultural development, urbanization and
<br />sprawl.
<br />Human population has tripled in the last
<br />century and continues to grow at almost 80
<br />million people per year. Accord-ing to the
<br />report, nearly 48% of the world could live
<br />under conditions of water stress or scarcity
<br />by 2050, with the most severe problems
<br />likely in arid or semiarid regions.
<br />The report can be downloaded from
<br />www.nwf.orglpopulation/waterreport, or
<br />call 202-797-6628.
<br />I
<br />uotables:
<br />`7 am not a believer in local
<br />control over common public
<br />natural resources. We need factual
<br />scientifc management, not local
<br />myths or histories. We may win on
<br />some local control issues and lose
<br />on just as many in a different
<br />area. "
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<br />NWF Report warns of water
<br />woes for people and wildlife
<br />Human use and misuse of water resources
<br />are causing wildlife and freshwater eco-
<br />systems to disappear at alarming rates,
<br />accordirig to a new National Wildlife
<br />Federation report, Population, Water &
<br />Wildlife: Finding a Balance.
<br />The publication vividly depicts a cycle in
<br />which rapid human population growth
<br />^
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<br />FOCUS on the Waters APRIL 2002 23
<br />