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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/15/2010 12:01:21 PM
Creation date
4/14/2010 4:09:16 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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® Lake TMDL issues were brought up by Bob. Cliff stated that this is an MPCA responsibility to <br />complete or to fund the TMDL studies, so he did-not think it had a direct impact on the District budget. <br />He felt that once studies, are completed that identify needed improvements, it may require District <br />capital improvements in the future. <br />® Increases in Integrated Resource Management and Education programs. Paul urged staff to come up <br />with creative programs related to these topics that would benefit the citizens of the District. <br />® New staff: Paul asked if additional staff could be used for significant new program areas or expanded <br />programs, stating that the District needs to demonstrate their ability to "roll along with the times" and to <br />take advantage of opportunities that are presented. Cliff cited facility, administrative support, and <br />supervision issues related to adding more staff. He also pointed out that interns have been used <br />effectively so far. He did note that staff has occasionally mentioned the need for a data analysis person. <br />® Education of lawn care professionals. Pam Skinner expressed her concern far the lack of training and <br />education provided to the staff of these companies and asked what the District could do to educate or <br />establish policies that would improve the current situation. <br />® Greenway corridors. Pam would like the District to be more involved with greenway corridor <br />establishment. <br />® Wetland buffer zone. Pam expressed the need to change the District's wetland buffer policies to <br />enforceable ordinances when the next Watershed Management Plan update takes place. <br />® Science policy. Pam encouraged staff to do research on two topics: pesticides and aluminum toxicity. <br />Paul. asked if any large-scale projects remain to be done in the District. Cliff mentioned that the outcome of <br />various SLMPs, as well as the Beltline Hydrologic Study, may identify new projects in the future. As the <br />District focuses on more education and non-point source pollution issues, he expects a significant increase <br />in future general fund budgets rather than in the capital improvement budget. Also, the District will soon <br />be meeting with cities to ask them what they would like us to do for them, which may result in new funding <br />issues. <br />9. ADJOURNMENT <br />Motion: Bob Johnson moved, seconded by Pam Skinner, to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried, and <br />the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted: <br />Robert 3ohnson, Secretary <br />Page 5 July 10, 2002 RWMWD Minutes <br />
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