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~ ~~~~~~e f~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~r o 0 <br />1..: ~ <br />,leshwater is a scarce and vital resource that is in <br />L~ <br />increasing demand. Contamination, pollution, and over-use are a <br />few of the many challenges that continue to threaten freshwater <br />resources. The Freshwater Society works to foster active <br />stewardship among all citizens, conduct public education and <br />awareness of freshwater issues, and promote sound public policies <br />that protect freshwater. We invite you to join in this vital work. <br />As a member of the Society you will receive: <br />Facets cf Freshwater, a quarterly membership newsletter covering <br />a wide variety of topics related to freshwater, a 20% discount on <br />the Minnesota YtTeatherguide E'nvi~ronireent Calendar, and <br />discounts on Freshwater Society sponsored events. <br />MEi'VIBER SHIP <br />I share your concerns and <br />wish to become a member of <br />the Freshwater Society at the <br />following level of annual <br />support: <br />Junior $12 US <br />Senior $1Z US <br />Educator $Z5 US <br />Individual $40 US <br />Supporting $100 US <br />Corporate $250 US <br />Benefactor $500 US <br />Life (single Payment) <br />$1000 US <br />Include $5 U.S. additional mailing fee <br />for outside the U.S. <br />WEATHERGUIDE CALENDARS <br />Minnesota's favorite calendars are <br />available at a 20% discount for <br />Freshwater Society Members. <br />Wall calendar <br />quantity <br />Engagement <br />calendar <br />quantity <br />Please enclose $19..95 ~~oo~ caten~t,~5~ <br />(includes tax, shipping u1d handling) <br />for each calendar ordered. <br />CURRENT PUBLICATIONS <br />ANS Digest is a complimentary <br />quarterly news digest horded <br />by the U.S. Fish and ~Nildlife <br />Service. The ANS Digest <br />presents current information on <br />the research, control, and <br />education of non-native <br />invasive aquatic nuisance <br />species. The ANS Digest is <br />produced in cooperation with <br />the National Aquatic Nuisance <br />Task Force and. is in its eighth <br />year of publication. <br />U. S. Water News is a monthly <br />newspaper dedicated to water <br />issues anal policies. As co- <br />publisher, the Freshwater <br />Society provides a monthly <br />"Fresh-eater Forurn" column <br />with guest editorials and topics <br />of general policy interest. <br />Order a complimentary issue <br />today from the Freshv,~ater <br />Society. <br />FORM OF PAYMENT <br />Check payable to <br />FRESHWATER SOCIETY <br />Credit Card: VISA MASTERCARD <br /># - - - <br />Expiration date: / <br />PHONE # <br />NAME <br />ADDRESS <br />Please check if you would like <br />Nliiulesota Weatherguide ftuZdraisulg aTv <br />information. <br />Membership contributions are fully <br />tax-deductible. <br />STATE ZIP <br />~~=ACETS July 2005 <br />