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n an overcast September day they <br />stepped out of the truck and peered over <br />the bank to observe the river gently <br />flowing below Citizen volunteer monitors Bob <br />Bjork and Gene Waldorf returned to the truck <br />and the task at hand. The truck's tailgate started <br />to resemble an outdoor laboratory as plastic bot- <br />tles were prepped with specific labels and preser- <br />vative; date, time, and weather were noted on <br />their field sheet; dissolved oxygen meter <br />unpacked; and other equipment assembled. As <br />they headed back towards the river with their <br />gear, Bob commented, ".The river is flowing alit- <br />tle stronger than the last time we monitored. It <br />should be interesting to see what today's seunpling <br />brings." <br />A Fresh Start <br />so volunteers also measure water clarity with a <br />transparenry tube and collect a water sample to <br />be sent to a certified lab and measured for total <br />suspended solids (TSS). <br />Finally, the SRWD is interested in data <br />on nutrients, particularly phosphorus and these <br />volunteers collect water samples to send to a <br />certified lab for total phosphorus and they test <br />ortho phosphorus themselves. <br />Bob and Gene have two important <br />team members that help with the monitoring and <br />organization of sampling trips. Jan Bjork and <br />Bernie Waldorf {yes, they're related) round out <br />this monitoring super-team. <br />`1~lthoaigh we planned to use <br />volunteers for years, the Rivers <br />Council training gave us the <br />~ In the winter of 2003-2004, the Sauk River opportunity to outline our <br />Watershed District (SRWD) was selected to par- YnOYlitoring plans and team ~Y F- <br />ticipate in River Council of Minnesota and with lOCal CZtZZe1ZS~~ <br /> <br />j - Minnesota Lake .Association's Monitoring Plan <br />~ Pilot Training Program. Their application was' = AMY TRISKO, <br />!~ chosen- based on their .commitment to citizen SAUK AVER WATER$HLI ? l )1~ i I.I~ i <br />p olve~nent rn~water resource. management and a <br /><I,.~~~ t~~ u,~ ~~~~~ =iz l~nli-~ dar Sl VD <br />~- <br />> .d[ ;inn Ln,1i5 nt~~ ~1 ~t,,,i ~>i< <u, m~~~ iii, ~ ~l~t~~~Fl;~ Q~ ~~I~~C@'EI1C~ <br />{~.n~~ii~.n~{i~~d tlii~s h~ iii~'~,,iu~ c~,l ;nt~~ran~,ni- <br />u~n L~nii it , .,tut ~,1 i(~~.n`niir~;t, j,n, i n (~~ n~t <br />~y~< <br />ti~~ni J~~.,~I~;~, a ~iti;~~n t~~t; ,~~~„riu~ plan~fur part <br />of the ~~~~I-: River Watershed. [3ob and Gene <br />both attended workshops and contributed to the <br />plan's development <br />What resulted was a strategic monitor- <br />ingplan for parts of the watershed's headwaters <br />ghat currently has tittle infoanation. `"These vo1- <br />unteers have chosen to monitor at 13 stream sites <br />that include the Sauk River anc~ three of its <br />tributaries. Tlvs part of he sub-watershed has <br />historical issues of not enough dissolved ,oxygen <br />and the monitors are curious toknow what the <br />current dissolved oxygen levels show. A second <br />issue identified .iii the monitoring plan was <br />concerns with sediment loading .from erosion, <br />Page 8 <br />1;~,1,:in<I t ~~~iichni!iu;~~~l.i r.iri~l t(r~ iii .<<,f~i~~i~,,_ <br />t~rmthinl~~ig.`.Theyrew i~i ~~~I ,~.;u~i~~.~ -- <br />time this project. multiple years to get a better <br />understanding ofchangesover time, asweU ~is ~~'° <br />begin documenting hove new changes (posit i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r <br />negative) affect the Sauk River and its t ~ i i i, i i , ~ i, ;. <br />For example; a sediment basin (a ~~ n~~i~.ui~~i~ <br />practice design to have parncles"settle.„u~ ~,t ~lu~ <br />creeks before reaching the SauklZi~~et, c~ 1~,ins~ <br />planned for Hoboken Crcck. Conruiually:> >n ~ ~ ~ - <br />toring the creek in future yeit~s will hel~`~Ict~r-'~~ <br />mine if this land use improverirenr is mal~ng a <br />dif}crcnce iti the creek's water qualit}'. <br />So', ho«~ do we measure success with ~- <br />such anew program? It's the little actions that can <br />make°a bigdiffecence_ l~or esarnple~earlier in the <br />Angie Becker Kudelka, <br />RIVER WATCH DIRECTOR, RIVERS COUNCIL OF MINNESOTA <br />808 BJORK LABELING A SAI~k ..- ~ i i _ i is <br />