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SaturdaX, I)ecerriber 2, 2006 <br />7:00- 9:00 a.m. Breakfast Buffet <br />8:30 am Concurrent General Session IV <br />Seminar A Flood Map Modernization Program <br />FEMA is implementing the Map Modernization program in response to concerns with the current Flood <br />Insurance Rate Maps. Flood hazard conditions are dynamic and most current maps do not reflect recent <br />development or updated data. Local communities desire more timely updates of floodplain maps and <br />easier access to the data. Up-to-date maps should. have mapped areas that are more closely aligned with <br />actual risk, encourage wise floodplain management, and increase the public's flood hazard awareness. <br />FEMA has developed the Cooperating Technical Partners (CTP) program to create partnerships <br />between FEMA and participating NFIP communities, regional agencies, and State agencies. <br />DNR is the CTP in Minnesota and is working with various stakeholders in that process. <br />Presenter: Suzanne Jiwani, MDNR <br />Seminar B Burnsville Rainwater Gardens Demonstratiotz Project <br />Two similar watersheds - a control site and the rainwater garden neighborhood -were monitored prior <br />to and after installation of the new stormwater treatment practices. Runoff rates and volumes were <br />collected in the storm sewer pipe at the outlet of each watershed. After collecting data two seasons <br />before and two seasons after the project's implementation, the results are in, and the project is an <br />overwhelming success! <br />Presenter: Kurt Leutholh, Barr Engineering <br />Seminar C Four Levels of Stornzwater BMPAssessmetzt <br />Historically, assessment of stormwater BMPs has been accomplished with monitoring. Monitoring <br />programs are often expensive to maintain due to the effort and time required to gather quality data. We <br />have established three additional levels of alternative methods for assessment that can determine the <br />effectiveness of stormwater $MPs in a cost effective manner, depending on the objectives of the <br />assessment effort. In increasing order of effort and cost, the four levels are: 1) Visual Inspection (is it <br />working at all?), 2) Capacity Testing (is it working properly?), and 3) Simulated Runoff Testing (is it <br />improving runoff quantity, quality, or both?), and 4) Monitoring. Testing for the assessment of stormwater <br />BMPs provides a cost effective alternative to monitoring, and is one area being developed for the MPCA <br />Assessment Protocol. <br />Presenter: Andrew Erickson, St. Anthony Falls Lab <br />9:30 a.m. MAWD Business Meeting Continued <br />Presiding -President Warren Seykora <br />•BWSR Report <br />•Administrative Report <br />•Regional Reports <br />•Watershed District Administrators Report <br />•Final Report on Attendance <br />•Audit Corrunittee Report <br />•2007 Budget Adoption <br />•2007 Annual Meeting <br />•Introduction of new MAWD Board Members <br />11:30 a.m. Meeting Adjourned <br />®AIZD ®~ I}I CTOIZS 1VIEET F~Io ~IZGAl®iIZATI~I®1 <br />12:00 l~®®I~1 - ®A I~®® II <br />