Laserfiche WebLink
10. Do you have a steep slope on your site? <br />[ ] No [ ]Yes. Does your landscape design help reduce runoff (e.g., swale at <br />base, berm, native plants on slope)? Explain: <br />11. Does your site border water or wetlands? [ ] No (If no, go to question 12) <br />[ ]Yes Please indicate the length and condition of your shoreline site.. <br />Total shoreline feet- on a [ ]stream [ ]lake or pond [ ]wetland <br />[ ] A natural buffer of native species between the water and turf <br />[ ] A weedy buffer consisting of invasive species (e.g., reed canary grass) <br />[ ]Turf all the way to the water <br />[ ]Rip-rap or rock used. to control erosion along the shore <br />[ ]Sand beach to the water <br />[ ]Other: <br />12. Please list as many of the primary types of plants as you can that grow on your site. <br />(Photos and attachments are welcome.) <br />Reference site: <br />[ ] Photos enclosed <br />[ ] Additional list attached <br />13. Approximately what percentage of the plants on your site are native to Minnesota? <br />Percent that are native [ ]Don't know <br />14. How much, if any, lawn have you removed and replaced with other <br />types of plantings? Please describe. <br />15. What invasive non-native plants have you removed from your site? <br />[ ] Buckthorn [ ] Amur maple [ ] Siberian/Chinese elm [ ] Honeysuckle <br />[ ] Black locust [ ] Russian olive [ ] Spotted knapweed [ ] Crown vetch <br />[ ] Canada thistle [ ] Purple loosestrife [ ] Birdsfoot trefoil [ ] Reed canary grass <br />[ ] Other: <br />What control technique/s did you use for removing invasive plants? <br />16. What wildlife species visit your site? [ ]List attached <br />17. What benefits are you seeing as a result of your land stewardship and water-friendly best <br />practices? <br />If my property receives a Shoreview Green Community Award, I will participate in the best <br />practices tour from noon to 5:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, August 4 and 5. <br />Signed: Date: <br />