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Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/16/2010 1:39:53 PM
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4/16/2010 1:37:09 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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GLWMO MEETING MINUTES -JANUARY 25, 2007 <br />Bloom stated that it is not scheduled this year. Roseville sumps are maintained on <br />an annual or biannual basis, depending on need. Delay is not intended, but the <br />budget does not allow maintenance every year. The City spends approximately <br />$100,000 to $150,000 a year on this work. Each fall it is determined which ones <br />have the most need to be included in the budget for the following year. <br />Mr. Quitevis expressed concern the pipes are not being properly maintained and <br />requested an inventory and maintenance schedule. Bloom agreed to provide the <br />information requested by Mr. Quitevis. She requested that he write a letter, so that <br />she can make sure the information he seeks is provided. <br />Maloney stated that questions seemed to relate to municipal operations and <br />funding priorities and should be directed to the city. Responses can be shared with <br />the Board, but the Board does not direct. or monitor day-to-day,municipal <br />operations. <br />B-2 Financial Report <br />Roseville, as official treasurer of GLWMO, provided the financial report. There is <br />sufficient funding for the activities approved by the Board for 2007. Yt is desirable <br />to maintain a fund balance so future. funding requests will not be jumping from <br />year to year but will be kept as predictable as possible. Maintaining a fund <br />balance will allow the three water quality studies over the next three or four years <br />for Lake Owasso, Snail Lake and Lake Wabasso. A request for $20,000 was <br />submitted to each city, and both cities have included that amount in their budgets. <br />C. Sills <br />C-~ Bills Considered for Payment <br />There were no bills to be paid. <br />D. Other Business <br />D-1 Strategic Lake Management Study -Lake Owasso <br />This study was approved by the Board at the last meeting. Maloney introduced <br />Barr Engineering Company consultants Hal Runke, Vice President; and Scott <br />Sobiech, Civil Engineer. <br />Maps were distributed showing the three monitoring stations installed on Lake <br />Owasso in October. Runke reported that because of the dry fall, there was little <br />flow through the pipes. The monitoring season may need to be extended beyond <br />the originally planned end date of September 30, 2007, in order to get the typical <br />autumn runoff for the computer simulation models used in the calibration process. <br />
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