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Last modified
4/16/2010 2:03:33 PM
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4/16/2010 2:02:52 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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GRASS LAKE WATER MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION -APRIL 26, 2007 3 <br />and address transportation issues. The City Council asked the EQC to coordinate the <br />awards program. It is anticipated that 24 awards will be given based on several <br />categories related to water quality management strategies to deter direct runoff to lakes, <br />such as rain gardens, creating a shoreline buffer, putting in native plants, rain barrels and <br />efficient use of permeable surfaces. The contest is open to Shoreview residents and <br />shoreline owners in Roseville. <br />Root asked how the EQC will know if the program is successful and has a positive <br />impact on water quality. Mr. Ferrington responded that part of the success is education <br />and increasing participation of citizens in best management practices. How long it will <br />take to have a quantifiable measure of improved water quality depends on how many <br />people buy into the concepts and make changes. <br />Eckman stated that it is hoped this will become an annual program and that every year <br />there will be more applicants to participate. That would be one measure. Another <br />measure could be the amount of shore vegetation there is for a buffer. An aerial photo <br />would show if buffers have increased. Another measure would be the cost-share <br />available through Ramsey County Conservation District and Rice Creek Watershed <br />District, which depends on the number of applicants. The Committee had a booth at the <br />Slice of Shoreview last year. One question asked repeatedly is whether it matters what <br />one person does. It does matter, and people need to be encouraged to consider basic <br />management strategies. <br />Ferrington agreed and stated that the awards program focuses on what individuals can do. <br />Efforts are being made to publicize different practices and options available for matching <br />cost support. <br />Eckman stated that the winners will be announced at the Slice of Shoreview booth. <br />During August, there will be public tours of the winning properties. <br />Root asked if the intent is to request financial support from the watershed districts on an <br />annual basis. Eckman stated that this is the first request. It may be that support will be <br />needed again. The only other entity active in a similar program is the <br />Ramsey/Washington Watershed District. <br />Root stated that the Board is being asked for one year's funding. He would not want to <br />set a precedent or make a commitment for an annual contribution. <br />Ferrington responded that the Green Community Committee is working to address future <br />funding. Building momentum is good advertising to approach businesses for <br />contributions. The Grass Lake Watershed Management Organization would be identified <br />on the City's website as a sponsor, and the City would like to include the Board's logo or <br />reference the Board's involvement. <br />
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