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City of Roseville - Housing & Redevelopment Authority Meeting Minutes for September ...Page 5 of 5 <br />Multi-Family Study Report. <br />b) <br /> <br />Dennis Welsch reported on the progress of the multifamily study and thanked the HRA for their <br />assistance. Welsch handed out a sample of the report including summary sheets by planning <br />district and complex. In addition, samples of the data tables were provided. Staff will continue to <br />work on the completion of the report through this format and once complete will provide the <br />information on the web page. <br /> <br />McCarron’s Neighborhood Study. <br />c) <br /> <br />Cathy Bennett explained that a first neighborhood meeting regarding the study will be held on <br />October 22, 2003 with the Lake McCarrons Neighborhood Association. The purpose of the <br />meeting is to introduce the study and ask for input regarding neighborhood issues that should be <br />review through the process. <br /> <br />Midland Hills Proposed Housing Proposal. <br />d). <br /> <br />Dennis Welsch and Cathy Bennett explained the Midland Hills project as informational and that <br />the PUD concept plan was approved by the City Council. <br /> <br />  <br />Board Member Reports <br />10. <br />Chair Majerus summarized the October 2, 2003 “Chair Breakfast Club” meeting which gathered <br />together the chair and key staff member of each public commission in the city. Majerus <br />explained that this and future meetings are intended to be a “transfer of information” throughout <br />the city and no decisions of votes will be taken. <br /> <br />Mayor Kysylyczyn explained a positive outcome of the meeting regarding the Human Rights <br />Commission brochure and suggested that each Commission and the HRA produce a similar one <br />to be distributed throughout the City. He also reported on his recent trip to Seattle and their <br />housing and park improvement programs. <br />  <br />Executive Director’s Report <br />11. <br /> <br />Cathy Bennett explained the reader and distributed the list of members. City Hall’s new number <br />is 792-ROSE. The web site will be updated and a new picture of the HRA will be taken at the <br />November meeting if all members are present.. <br />  <br />Adjourn: <br />12.  With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:36 p.m. <br />Return to Housing & Redevelopment Authority Agendas and Minutes <br /> <br />