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Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/16/2010 2:43:10 PM
Creation date
4/16/2010 2:37:20 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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report card. Mr. Maloney added that homeowners often contact the City, as the <br />code enforcer, with questions about conservation, water management and <br />property repair. He has often referred them. to Mr. Johnson. There has been <br />participation in the RCD without participating in costs. This is a legitimate role <br />for GLWMO. He noted that nothing is reflected for RCD in the proposed budget. <br />Any consideration would be in addition to what is proposed. <br />Eckman stated that she would like to see GLWMO participate in this cost-share <br />program in 2008 to see how the program would work. <br />Mr. Maloney stated that there can be further discussion with the budget <br />discussion. If approved, guidelines and rules can be drafted and reviewed at the <br />next GLWMO meeting in January. Mr. Schultz suggested that staff go back to the <br />cities and ask for flexibility in the budget for GLWMO to include this cost-share <br />program with RCD. <br />Mogg questioned spending $16,500, which is a lot of money for GLWMO's <br />budget. Mr. Maloney stated that $6,500 is for technical services and $10,000 <br />establishes GLWMO as a cost-share participant for services used by residents. <br />I)-5. Proposed 2008 Budget <br />Mr. Maloney reported that the proposed budget is based on the continuation of <br />tasks carried out each year and on work programs identified in the past. No major <br />new initiative is included. <br />DeZellar noted the Lake Owasso Study is not listed. Mr. Aichinger agreed it <br />should be listed, but the intent is to pay for it from reserves. Mr. Schultz stated <br />that no additional monitoring is planned for the Lake Owasso study. One year of <br />information is adequate. <br />Mogg stated that he needs to be convinced that the conclusions will be sound with <br />one year of monitoring information. <br />Eckman noted that earlier in the meeting the Board voted to spend $2,000 in <br />public education, which needs to be added. If the Board implements a new <br />program with cost-share through RCD, guidelines and rules need to be in place <br />and the program needs to be made public. <br />Eckman moved that GLWMO add $6,500 to the 2008 budget for technical <br />services from Ramsey Conservation District and create acost-share program for <br />2008 of $10,000. DeZellar seconded. <br />DeZellar offered an amendment to the motion to add $2,000 for public education <br />through Minnesota Water -Let's Keep It Clean. Eckman accepted the <br />amendment. <br />
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