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r <br />r, <br />,!~ II <br />t ~,,;I , ri ;f~ <br />,;,I'I':~'I~, <br />~, <br />i <br />~I' "' , <br />'~i ~ or e e r iz i <br />__ <br />~~ ~uiy zoo? <br /> <br />What the Grass Lake Water <br />Management Organization is <br />all about ... <br />Our organization was formed when the cities of <br />Roseville and Shoreview executed a Joint Powers <br />Agreement on December 27, 1983 in response to <br />the Metropolitan Surface Water Management Act. <br />This agreement gave us the authority to address <br />the problems of increased flooding and degraded <br />water quality in the watershed. Tlie legal roles, <br />responsibilities, and powers of our organization are <br />outlined in Minnesota Statute 1038 and the Joint <br />Powers Agreement. <br />The GLWMO has several overall watershed man- <br />agement purposes, including managing intercom- <br />munity storm water runoff, protecting and preserv- <br />ing water resources, establishing policies for water <br />resource management, preventing soil erosion, <br />promoting groundwater recharge, and protecting <br />and enhancing wildlife habitat and water recreation, <br />all while minimizing public capital expenditures. <br />2006 GLWMO Activities <br />o Reviewed inventory of notable and/or his- <br />toric documents retained by GLWMO. <br />• Reviewed & Implei~nented Website Changes/ <br />Updates per Consultant Recommendations. <br />® Reviewed Shoreview's Invasive Aquatic Plant <br />Management Policy. <br />® Reviewed/Commented on Planned Infra- <br />structure Improvement Projects in Shore- <br />view and Roseville. <br />® Purchased water sampling/monitoring equip- <br />ment for data collection for Lake Owasso <br />Study. <br />• Evaluated Water Quality Trends for Lake <br />Owasso in the context of the GLWMO Water- <br />shed Management Plan and developed a <br />work program for a Strategic Lake Manage- <br />ment Plan for Lake Owasso. <br />~i <br />~, <br />~^ G2-174Nl <br />--'..62~63W <br />r^~"' <br />~._ ~ ," ` _ <br />sz ., ~ <br />1 ~~~ '~ <br />1 <br />2 r3P <br />~ ; <br />Ftgure6 <br />GRASS~AKE Vd?AO ~~ T <br />WA,TEP,SHEOS ~,. j <br />DNR-PP,OTECTED'NATERS "'F / - <br />ANOi\WI`~''.'ETLFNOS '~~. <br />RoseviV° and Shoreview. MN ~ 4 <br />__eian. ~.F.c <br />62-74W <br />.~ EuJ~ - <br />~ ... . .. ~ .- d <br />® ~_ _, ~ ~t... <br />~~ ~ crs_~~~ ~~ ~, <br />-. ., - -, _ <br />,~, ..- 6229ev_~ ..- ~~~-. <br />,: .. _. <br />.... ~-... -, F ;;d <br />fJ/~-~ / <br />62-67P -" ~ 62~OV1 - - ~-"' ~~sso 8t N '. <br />I ,- f 6256P~ ' <br />^ ~`;, C <br />1 Y~ll~ ~ <br />~I <br />7 _ ~ ,~ <br />d <br />~' <br />' 62 14JV/ <br />sz-z72w~ 62so~P ~ ~ ' <br />==~ ~c2 sow °-~--j ~ t <br />62 209P <br />22,m._73W ~,~ 6. .ro. y ~a ~.-> ~ ~ `~L._> 5215 1 -_~ <br />_~ .'ark ///`/-~ - <br />C:7 t J <br />62276YJ '. I ~ '~ ~ 6 7581'! _ <br />~ ~r,.7 2 3 <br />Ly__r _~ _ ~~ co ,,rv ra ez _~Qe~ 1f. _..__., . ~ . <br />ry-~ ~ . <br />... ... i ~ <br />,--- _. <br />r, ~_ ._ <br />~_~ i <br />~ ., <br />1+ <br />c._..,, ...I <br />Page 1 <br />2006 Annual Report <br />