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Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/16/2010 2:59:24 PM
Creation date
4/16/2010 2:43:54 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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GLWMO MINUTES <br />JANUARY 24, 2008 <br />PAGE 10 <br />Stark asked how additional samples would fit the contract. Aichinger stated that the <br />contract would have to be modified with an extended timeline and the additional analyses <br />added to the cost. He asked. if, within a month, a decision were made, that would fit the <br />timeline. Sobiech answered that it would fit. <br />Eckman asked the cost for another year of data. Sobiech stated that the revised proposal <br />would modify the scope of work. <br />Stark indicated his preference to have further discussion at the meeting next month about <br />the possibility of extending the monitoring and obtaining further data. Maloney stated <br />that the monitoring would occur May through September. <br />Ferrington asked if it would be possible for the Board to receive a copy of the revised <br />plan a week before the next meeting. <br />Stark noted that the Board needs to meet with the Lake Association to show them the <br />map and reach agreement about treatment. <br />Eckman requested that the map locations show jurisdictional responsibility, whether <br />Roseville or Shoreview or private. <br />It was the consensus of the Board to have a workshop meeting on February 28, 2008, to <br />address this topic. Sobiech agreed to provide a modified proposal by February 21, 200$. <br />Maloney stated that the Board adopted the policy amended into the Joint Powers <br />Agreement to spell out any deviation from the normal meeting schedule. It would be a <br />reasonable action item to set the meeting schedule for the next year to satisfy all public <br />notice requirements. This will be discussed at the next meeting. <br />D-2 RWMWD Update <br />Aichinger reported that the shoreline survey done for Snail Lake will be finalized and <br />distributed to the Board within the next month. The monitoring report for Lake Emily and <br />Lake Judy that was done last year is not quite complete. A discussion is needed to <br />identify lakes to be monitored in Shoreview and which ones for Roseville. A Board <br />discussion is also needed about adding links for additional educational materials to the <br />website. There is some concern that the office is not providing the services discussed in <br />2005. He estimates his services at approximately 53 hours far 2008, which is similar to <br />last year. <br />Stark requested a review of the work plan for Ramsey/Washington County at the next <br />business meeting. <br />
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