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I~~a~p~es®ta ~epay-tr~~e~~t ®f 1~Tat~r~1 >!Zesou~-ces ~~CEIVED FEB 1 ~ X00 <br />~IVISI0Y1 of eaters <br />l~>!/C~LICST FCIIZ C~1'a~>`.~1ENTS <br />I'ossibLe .4rr~ee~dmet~t to' Rarles Goverr~aasg Slaoreland li~anageme¢~t,1t~'nrresota Idreles, <br />parts 612Q.2~OQ to f 1?0.3900 <br />Sa~bject of RatEes. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) requests <br />comments on possible amendment to Hiles govenling the nzanage~,~ent of Mim~esota's shoreland <br />areas. The DNR is considering Wile amendments to address emerging shoreland issues and changes <br />in development patten~s that have occun-ed since the last r~,~~e amendment in 1989. IIZ 2005, the <br />North Central Lal:es Pilot Project, a part of the Governor's Clean Water hlitiative, identified <br />shoreland issues within the project area. and developed voluntary alterlative standards to address <br />them. Elements of these standards have been incorporated by a number of local governments <br />across Minnesota. In the proposed Wile amendments, the DNR will consider whether elements of <br />the alter7ative standards maybe adapted to statewide use. In addition, the DNR will consider <br />elements of the shoreland ntles that the pilot project did not address such as urban expansion, <br />development along rivers and streams, and land use activities that may contribute to water quality <br />impainment. The DNR intends to work with local govenm,ments and other state agencies that are <br />tasked with the management of land activities that may affect the quality of Mim~esota's public <br />waters so that state of the art standards based on best science and manage~l~ent practices can be <br />developed that are workable and adaptable to a wide variety of needs and issues. <br />1~'erso~is Aft'eeted. The amendment to the itiiles would likely affect any local govemm~ent <br />having significant amounts of shoreland subject to development or redevelopment. It will support <br />local govenuments already working to address shoreland development issues and provide a <br />baseline for administration of shoreland development to jurisdictions with less capacity. The <br />amendment will affect ov,~ners, developers aJ~d others involved in the development of shorelands. <br />While the primary focus is on new development, land practices affecting the quality of <br />Minnesota's waters will also be addressed that could affect shoreland property owners and users. <br />Statutory ~uthority.117irrr~esota Sicztrrtes, section 103F.211 authorizes the DI'~iR to adopt <br />rules for the subdivision, use and development of shoreland areas. In addition, Laws of Minnesota <br />2007, chapter 57, al-ticle 1, section 4, subdivision 3, requiresthat `By January 15, 2008, the <br />commissioner shall commence rlilemaldng tinder Mim~esota Statutes, chapter 14, to update the <br />minimum shoreland standv-ds in Mi7~nesota Rules, chapter 6120." <br />Pufailc C®rnrnea~t. Interested. persons or groups may submit comrments or information on <br />these possible ndes in writing or orally. Comments must be submitted within one hundred twenty <br />(120) calendar days fi-orli the date of this notice (May 2f~, 2U0~). The DNR intends to make use <br />one or more advisory committees in the rulemaking process to help in developing a conceptual <br />framework that will guide the development~of mules amendments, and ensure fitll, open and <br />transparent public participation during ail steps of the nilemaking process. There will be another <br />oppol-tunity to provide formal comments as part of the rulemakinQ process after a draft rule <br />revision has been developed. <br />