8. En all cases where the permittee by performing the work auihorized by this permit shall involve the taking, using, or
<br />damaging of any property rights or interests of any other person or persons, or of any publicly owned lands or improvements
<br />thereon or inferests therein, the permittee, before proceeding, shalf ob.tain the writfen consent of all persons, agencies, or
<br />authorities conce�ned, and shall acquire all property, rights, and interests needed for the work.
<br />9. This permit is permissive only. No [iability shall be imposed by fhe State of Minnesota or any of its officers, agents or
<br />employees, officially or personally, on account of ihe granting hereof or on account of any damage to any person or property
<br />resulting from any act or omission of the permittee or any of its agents, employees, or contractors. This permit shaf! not be
<br />construed as estopping or fimifing any legal claims or right of action of any person other than the state against the permittee,
<br />its agents, employees, or contractors, for any damage or injury resulting from any such act or omission, or as estopping or
<br />limiting any legaf claim or right of action of the state against the permittee, its agents, emp{oyees, or contractors for violation
<br />of or failure to comply with the permit or applicable conditions.
<br />10. Any extension of the surface of public waters from work authorized by this permit shalf become public waters and left open
<br />and unobstructed for use by the public.
<br />11. Where the work authorized by this permit involves the draining or filling of wetlands not subject to DNR regulations, the
<br />permittee shall not initiafe any work under this permit until the permittee has obtained afficial approval from the responsible
<br />local government unit as required by the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act.
<br />12. Erosion control measures shall be adequatefy designed for the site characteristics. They may include staked haybales,
<br />diversion channels, sedimeni ponds, or sediment fences. They shall be installed in accordance with the Ramsey County
<br />Erosion Control Handbook, prior to commencement and maintained throughout the project. All exposed soil sha[I be
<br />stabilized as soon as possible and no later than 72 hours after the compfetion of the project. Topsoil should be used to re-
<br />dress disturbed soil areas and indigenous plant species should be used to revegetate disturbed areas whenever possible.
<br />13. A sediment barrier shall be installed arour�d the area of excavatian immediately prior to starting the project to limit erosion and
<br />turbidity to the affected areas. This barrier involves the use of filter fabric material supported by stakes or a snow fence. The
<br />barrier shall be removed upon completion of the work, after sediment has consolidated.
<br />14. The permitiee is authorized to maintain the approved work to the dimensians herein described. Prior to commencing any
<br />maintenance work, the permittee shall advise the Department of Natural Resources of the extent and method of
<br />maintenance. Maintenance work shall not be commenced until permittee receives written approval from the Department
<br />15. A report (i.e., map and brief description) shall be submifted to the Area Nydrologisi describing the temporary and permanent
<br />disposal of the excava#ion spoils. The excavation authorized bv this permit shall not comrnence until the placement site for
<br />spoils has been approved in writinq bv the Area HydroEoqist.
<br />16. The permitEee shall monitor all disturbed areas for the presence of purple loosestrife and control the plant as described in the
<br />attached pamphlet titled "Purple Loosestrife Afe�f". The DNR aquatic plant manager should be contacted at 651-259-5816 for
<br />permit needs and additional information.
<br />17. The permittee shall follow the approved West Vadnais Outlet operation plan (revised January, 2008). Any changes to the
<br />approved operation pfan must be approved in writing, by DNR Waters. To meet Minnesota Rules, the operation plan shall, at
<br />a minimum include: (a) manner and time of operation; (b) frequency of maintenance; {c) appropriate monitoring of water
<br />levels, water quality and other factors; and (d) management of excess waters.
<br />18. Temporary dewatering #or construction, in excess of 10,000 gallons per day or one million gallons per year, is authorized by
<br />this permit provided the follawing conditions are met:
<br />a. A plan for the dewatering shall be submitted to the Area Hydrologist for written prior approval.
<br />b. All necessary erosion and sedimentation control measures shal! be taken to prevent transportation of sediment.
<br />C: Mn/DOT, Scoit Carlstrom and Peter Leete US Army Corps of Englneers, Tim Fell DNR Conservation Officer, Lisa Kruse
<br />St. Paul Regional Water Service, Dave Schuler Ramsey County SWCD, Tom Petersen DNR Ecological Services, Wayne Barstad
<br />City of Shoreview, Jerry Auge Grass Lake WMO, Mark Mafoney dIVR F'isherles, Gerald Johnson
<br />City of Liftie Canada, Joel Hanson Vadnais Lake WMO, Stephanie McNamara DNR Wildfife, Bryan Lueth
<br />City of Vadnais Helghts, Dale Hexom West Vadnais Lake {62-38P) File DNR Permits Unit, John Fax
<br />Authorized Signature
<br />� ��
<br />Dale E. Homut
<br />Title
<br />Regional Hydrologist
<br />Date
<br />i . �� �>
<br />r
<br />