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Grass Lake WMO
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4/16/2010 4:05:54 PM
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4/16/2010 3:56:47 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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GRASS LAKE WATER ANAGEENTN ORGANIZATION -JULY 23, 2009 9 <br />study. This project can be presented to the council as a capital improvement plan. <br />Root moved, Westerberg seconded a motion to accept the draft preliminary budget in the <br />amount of $148,700.00, as presented with the change that the funding for the water <br />management plan update be replaced by the Owasso UAA supplemental Fund. <br />Kelsey questioned how the management plan update would be funded. Ferrington noted <br />that this is approval of a draft. There is some flexibility. In October, the Board will have <br />abetter idea of the status of its grant funding application. If grant funding is not <br />forthcoming, the budget can be revised. <br />The question was called on whether to accept the draft budget as Root amended. <br />Vote: Ayes - 1 (Root) Nays - 4 <br />K Additional Administrative Support Discussion <br />Eckman reported that there have been discussions about whether Ramsey/Washington <br />County would be able to provide additional administrative support to GLWMO. The <br />cities have been unable to pick up the slack with reporting and maintaining the website. <br />Aichinger stated that while he will continue to attend meetings, he is unable to provide <br />additional support to GLWMO. His staff are all solidly committed to other programs. In <br />order to provide assistance, he would have to take someone away from other activities in <br />his district or hire someone. He suggested contacting Ramsey County Conservation <br />District, which does provide some support and has more staff. <br />It was decided that Schwartz, Maloney, Eckman and Aichinger would meet and discuss <br />this matter further and report to the Board at the October meeting. <br />Aichinger left the meeting at 8:25 p.m. <br />Report Cards <br />It was the consensus of the Board to review the report cards at the October 22, 2009 <br />meeting. <br />J Website Update <br />Maloney reported that the person who was working on the website at Shoreview has been <br />reassigned to other work. With new computer revisions in the city system, he is unable to <br />access the website to maintain it. He suggested Shoreview not host the website at this <br />time. <br />Schwartz suggested the web base host at Roseville could be used to create a separate <br />
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