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B S Clean ater Funds <br />Agency Fund FY10 Governmental Units Required <br />Amount* Eli ible for Fundin Match* <br /> Watershed Districts, WMOs 25% with local <br />Runoff Reduction $2,460,000 cash or in-kind <br />.Grants cash value <br /> SWCDs, Watershed 25% with local <br />Clean Water Districts, WMOs, and cash or in-kind <br />Assistance Grant $2,650,000 Counties cash value <br /> SWCDs, Watershed 25% with local <br /> Districts, WMOs, Counties, cash or in-kind <br />Feedlot Water Quality $2,500,000 Cities, and JPBs of these cash value <br />Mana ement Grant or anizations <br /> SWCDs, Watershed 25% with local <br /> Districts, WMOs, Counties, cash or in-kind <br />Shoreland $1,400,000 Cities, and JPBs of these cash value <br />lm rovement Grants or anizations <br /> SWCDs, Watershed 25°l° with local <br />Conservation Districts, WMOs, Counties, cash or in-kind <br />Drainage $200,000 and JPBs of these cash value <br />Advancement Grants or anizations <br /> Counties <br />SSTS Pr ram Grants $2,200,000 <br />Buffer Easements $3,250,000 SWCDs <br />Well Head Protection SWCDs <br />Easements $1,000,000 <br />*Subject to change <br />Anticipated Tim <br />October 15, 2009 <br />October 22, 2009 <br />December 1, 2009 <br />January 27, 2010 <br />February 2010 <br />April 30, 2010 <br />* Subject to change <br />aline for S Y 2010 Competitive rants* <br />Application period begins <br />Open house at Capitol Region Watershed District <br />Application deadline <br />BWSR Board authorizes awards <br />Grant agreements sent out to recipients <br />Grant agreements and workplans due <br />