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rasa a e ate a ale e t rya izati® <br />Development Controls <br />Request developers consider/implement methods for reducing impervious <br />coverage Yes <br />Water Quality <br />Mapping of direct discharge points Yes <br />Pretreatment at existing direct discharge points Yes <br />Identify, rank and map disturbed shoreland areas Owasso Only <br />Maintain, enhance or provide new habitat as part of projects Yes <br />Other Activities <br />Participate in DNR's lake level monitoring program By Ramsey Co. <br />3. aintertartce eport <br />A. Required Maintenance Activities <br />Activity Accomplished? (Yes/No/How Often) <br />Maintenance program in place Annually per NPDES <br />Street and parking lot sweeping Minimum 2 x/year <br />Pond, grit chamber, stormwater outfall, & catch <br />basin inspections (sediment & debris) Annually per NPDES <br />Skimmer inspections Annually per NPDES <br />Sediment removal As needed <br />Needed repairs to the stormwater system As needed <br />~. Other Agreed-Upon Maintenance Activities <br />Activity Accomplished? (Yes/No/How Often) <br />Updated inventory of city facilities Working on complete update $ <br /> <br />4. Leadership ctivities <br />In this section, the cities would report on activities that displayed leadership in watershed <br />management. Examples may include PUD's, public works projects, street projects and <br />maintenance activities. <br />Footnotes: <br />1 See Table 5-6 in the Grass Lake WMO Watershed Management Plan <br />2 See Table 5-10 in the Grass Lake WMO Watershed Management Plan <br />3 See Table 5-7 in the Grass Lake WMO Watershed Management Plan <br />4 Shoreline restoration was completed along the south side of Westwood Village Pond in 2005 with <br />upland restoration in 2006. <br />5 Action levels will be established after collection of two years of baseline monitoring data. <br />6 City will be constructing treatment ponds in 2007. <br />7 Pretreatment is provided with all new discharge outlets and applied to existing outlets with street <br />and stormsewer improvements. <br />8 The City annually inspects at least 20% of the city facilities; inventories conditions, and maps on <br />GIS if not currently included in the City system. <br />Page 3 <br />6/25/2009 <br />