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Grass Lake WMO
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4/16/2010 4:05:54 PM
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4/16/2010 3:56:47 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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Interested Parties <br />Page 2 <br />September 2009 <br />® A tab with just the new listing to the 2010 draft TMDL List -this is a subset of the first <br />bullet. <br />® A tab with all new impairments -these include the new listings to the TMDL list (see <br />the bullet just above) plus new impairment listings for which a TMDL is not required. An <br />example would be an additional to Appendix A of the already approved Mercury TMDL <br />(see Section [2] below for more details). <br />® A tab with removals and corrections from the EPA approved 2008 TMDL List -these <br />are not delistings (see the next bullet below) but all other actions that change the 2010 <br />TMDL List. <br />® A tab showing delistings between 2008 and 2010 -these are waterbodies that are <br />determined to be meeting water quality standards and are, thus, removed from the <br />inventory. <br />® A tab showing changes to Appendix A of the EPA approved Mercury TMDL. -see <br />Section 2 below for more details <br />Another document placed on the MPCA TMDL List web site is the Guidance Manual for <br />assessing the quality of Minnesota surface waters for determination of impairment: 305(b) report <br />and 303(d) list. This document describes our state water quality standards, the data collection and <br />quality requirements, and assessment tools used when developing the 303(d) TMDL List. <br />There are still some potential changes to this initial draft through the recommendations of the <br />Agency natural background study group, the MPCA delisting study group, and from data <br />analyses of PFOS in fish tissue that are presently on-going. If significant changes occur from <br />these groups or as a result of comments received during the 30-day public comment period, you <br />will be informed by letter and, depending on the specifics, through a notice in the State Register <br />before the draft TMDL List is submitted to EPA for their review and approval. <br />2. The revisions to A~wendix A of the Ayeproved Statewide Mercurv TMDDL <br />The MPCA Mercury TMDL is comprised of the reduction goal for mercury deposition in the <br />main body of the report and two appendices. Appendix A contains the list of lakes and river <br />segments covered by the P/lercury TMDL and Appendix B contains the list of NPDES permittees <br />covered by the mercury TMDL. <br />The TMDL was originally approved on March 27, 2007, and revisions to Appendix A were <br />approved on Apri13, 2008. <br />The 2008 Mercury TMDL Appendix A totaled 998 water bodies. Subsequently, three AUIDs <br />were split, resulting in a total of 1001 water bodies. An additiona195 waterbodies are being <br />added in the 2010 cycle, resulting in a grand total of 1096 water bodies in the 2010 revision to <br />Appendix A of the EPA-approved Mercury TMDL. <br />The water bodies in Appendix A have fish tissue concentrations greater than 0.2 mg/kg and equal <br />to or less than 0.572 mg/kg. Greater concentrations result in inclusion in the TMDL List. <br />2 <br />
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