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~y~~~~~~ ~~~ Yrrmk Nurubsr <br />,_ INId ESQTA 1 ~~~ 9 4- 618 0 <br />v.~.,~,a.gtar Nwi.uvlR~~ra+ <br />tt <br />ltis;siraF n[ ` t7®rc <br />Pursuant to NJi~nesota Statutes, Chapur 103, and on the basis of sialea~nta and information canta'uttd ;n the permit application, leaen, inept, and pknt submtued <br />by the applicant and otherv at+Pportig4 data, all of wltioh arc made a part heroof by reference, pFRMLSSlON IS HERESY GRAKfED w the applicant named blow m change <br />the couru, eumcnt nt cross motion of the following: rnf:~~ <br />__ <br />Snail Lake 62-73 <br />Indicated: fll) <br />Area <br />Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Department <br />Siren, RFA, Bax <br />2015 Van Dyke Street, Maplewood, Minnesota 55104 <br />Ramsey <br />(612) 777-1707 <br />Aathwt'zed ta: ', <br />Construct concrete plank boat ramp 24' wide x 113' long (located approximately 260' east <br />of existing boat ramp); and remove old bituminous boat ramp apgroxituately 20' wide x 60' <br />long; all in accordance with permit application dated April 7, 2994. <br />Recreational boat launching <br />Arscrfbed at: <br />Snail Lake Regional Park located in the <br />SW 1/4, Section 24, T34N-R23w <br />Indtcatrd: <br />Does Not Apply <br />November 30, 1944 <br />Ramsay <br />The ordinary high water elevation 883.7`, <br />(NGVD, 1912) <br />This permit is granted subject to the fol~.owing GENERAL and SPECIAL PROVISIONS: <br />G82t$RAI, FRQVISIt3FF3 <br />l , This permit is permissive only and shall ooi release the permittee from any liability or oblipsJion inrpotrod hY M~~~ Stamtea. Federni Law or local ordimrtc <br />relating therrxo and shall remain in force sttbjtct W all eotxlitiom atffii limitations now or betesfler imposed by Iaw. <br />2. This perrniE is rwt asrignsbk except with the written eonunt of the Comrttiasioner of t4atural Resources, <br />3. The Regioml HydrologiR shall ba notified at lasat &vc days is advance of the commcttcomtatof the work n~u~thorizedohrttw ~randaehaH~noufiof operat;on~icti <br />within five days ffiereafter. 'I'tse riotict of Permit isated by tba Co»mtisatoner shall be kept soeurdy p qJ P <br />A. No change s}ta0 bt made withatt written permission prcviottaty obtained from the Conimissioncr o[ Natural Resources, in the dimemioos, capacity of location <br />soy items of work authorized hereunder. <br />5, The perar;titt shay grans access to the site at all tvasortable elates during and after aonsurtc-ion to authotiud reptesentativea of the Cemmissioncr of Nate <br />Resources Cor inspection of the work aulhottzcd hcrettadcr. , <br />6 Thin Permit mar be terodoaled by the Comntiatiouot of Natural Aesour+ces a any Lima he deems it nteessary f°t rho eoaxtvation of watzr rrsourcoa of the su <br />or in the ituenst of public health and welfare, or for vioiatiao o[ any of the provisions of this permit, ualeaa othcnvi~ provided in the Spuist Provisions. <br />7, C,onatructioa work authorized tender thu permit shell be tom~rieted on or before dart specified above. Upon written request to tht Cottttstisaiottcr bythe Pcrmitt <br />slating rho reason tlsoreforo, an extenaian of tame rosy br ~taiad. <br />8. The excavation of soil authorized hernia shall ant be consin>ad to uxiude rite removal of organic matter (as indicated shove) unleu the area from which such orgi <br />manes is ternovcd, is imgcrviow, ar it sealod by tFte application of beatartitc after excavation. <br />4, in all caeca where rho doing by the permittee of nnyth{ng suthorimd by this permit shelf involve the rating, using, or damaging of nny Property righu or irter <br />of any other parson or persona, or of any publicly owned {ands of lmprover~ntrlhcreon or interests (herein, the perm;ncc, before proceeding therewith, shall at+ <br />„ _.____ _____.....r.n .._..,..,. •orneiea. nr authorities cottcemed, end shall acquire all property, rights and iMerosta naceaaary there[orc. <br />