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Public Water County <br />Snail Lake (62-73) Ramsey (62) <br />Name of Permitter Telephone Number {Include Area Cade} <br />Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Department-Alan Rupnow 1151-266-7162 <br />Address {Na. 8 Street, RFD, Bax No., City, State, Zip Code) <br />1425 Paul Kirkwold Drive, Arden Hills, Minnesota 55112 <br />Authorized Work: <br />Construct concrete plank boat ramp 36' wide x 121' long; al! in accordance with permit application dated April ~ <br />7, 1994, and permit amendment request dated July 15, 2005. Excavate no more than 500 cubic yards of sand <br />in area ident~ed in permit amendmen# request dated July 15, 2009. <br />Purpose of Permit: Expiration Date of Permit <br />'boat Rarnp (143) November 30, 2009 <br />'redging (165) <br />Property Described As: <br />Snail Lake Regional Park, located in SW'/4 Section 24, T30N-23N <br />easting 490405 northing 4980617 <br />Phis permit is granted subject to the following CONDITIONS: <br />1. The permittee is not released from any rules, regulations, requirements, or standards of any applicable federal, state, or <br />local agencies; including, but not lirniied to, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Board of Water and Soil Resources, MN <br />Pollution Control Agency, watershed dis#ricts, water management organizations, county, city and township zoning. This <br />permit does not release the permittee of any permit requirement of the St. Paul district, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Army <br />Corps of Engineers Centre, 191) Fifth Street East, St. Paul, MN 55101-16313. <br />2. This permit is not assignable by the permitter except with the written consent of the Commissioner of Natural Resources. <br />3. The permitter shalt notify the Area Hydrologist at least five days in advance of the commencement of the work authorized <br />hereunder and notify himlher of its completion within five days. The Notice of Permit issued by the Commissioner shall be <br />kept securely posted in a conspicuous place at the site of operations. <br />4. The permittee shall make no changes, without written permission previously obtained from the Commissioner of Natural <br />Resources, in the dimensions, capacity or location of any items of work authorized hereunder. <br />5. The permittee shall grant access to the site at all reasonable times during and after construction to authorized <br />representatives of the Commissioner of Natural Resources for inspection of the work authorized hereunder. <br />6. This permit may be terminated by the Commissioner of Natural Resources a# any time deemed necessary far the <br />conservation of water resources of the state, or in the in#erest of public health and welfare, or for violation of any of the <br />conditions or applicable laws, unless otherwise provided in the permit. <br />7. Cons#ruction work authorized under this permit shall be completed on or before the date specified above. The permittee <br />may request an extension of the time to complete the project, stating the reason thereof, upon written request to the <br />Commissioner of Natural Resources. <br />