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Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/16/2010 4:10:27 PM
Creation date
4/16/2010 4:09:08 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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GRASS LADE WATER ANAGEENTN ORGANIZATION -JULY 23, 2009 8 <br />and 3) prepare presentations and attend two city council meetings. The additional cost <br />would be $2,500 to $5,300 for task 1. If there is an addendum, the cost would be about <br />$2,300. If there are modifications to the report the estimate is about $5,300. The cost <br />for task 2 would be $2,300, and preparation and attendance at council meetings would be <br />$1,800. <br />It was the consensus of the Board to leave the final report as it is and issue a memo <br />addendum that can be inserted. <br />MOTION AMENDMENT: Root offered an amendment to the motion that the cost not <br />exceed $6,600 for all three tasks. Eckman accepted the amendment. <br />Vote on the motion as amended: Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 <br />E-4 Set Public Information Meeting Date <br />Eckman stated that she would like to see a public meeting similar to the one with the <br />association with a presentation. Aside from the recommendations, the Board wants to <br />hear ideas and input from public users of Lake Owasso to incorporate in the council <br />presentation. <br />Maloney stated that there is zero chance for any initiative unless a technical expert can <br />speak to the city councils so they can see the benefit. Aichinger suggested a special joint <br />meeting of the two councils to get their attention. <br />It was decided to schedule a meeting with city councils of Roseville and Shoreview on <br />Wednesday, September 23, 2009, in the Roseville council chambers. County <br />Commissioners will also be invited. <br />Sobiech stated that a draft will be sent to Board members by email prior to the Sept. 23ra <br />meeting, by September 16a'. Any comments back to Sobiech should be sent by <br />September 22na <br />2010 Draft Preliminary Budget <br />Aichinger suggested taking out the watershed management plan update and keeping those <br />funds for Lake Owasso UAA supplemental funding. <br />Schwartz stated that the total cost to update the plan is estimated at $75,000 to $100,000. <br />Budgeting $50,000 this year and next year would fund the project over two years. <br />Root requested a placeholder for the Lake Owasso Implementation Study. He would like <br />to see the Board implement acost-share program or apply for a grant for a Central Park <br />
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