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CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />OFFICIAL SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE No. 1391 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 5, OF THE CITY CODE, AMENDING <br />CHAPTER 501.16, A COMPREHENSIVE SECTION ON DANGEROUS ANIMALS <br />WITHIN THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />The City Council of the City of Roseville adopted Ordinance No. 1391 on March 29, 2010, which <br />is summarized as follows: <br />The Roseville City Code is amended by re-writing Section 501.16 regarding <br />Dangerous Animals, the Registration of Dangerous Animal, the Regulation of <br />Dangerous Animals, the Notice of Dangerous Animal Determinations and the Appeal <br />of Dangerous Animal Determinations. The ordinance takes effect on January 1, 2011. <br />A printed copy of the ordinance is available for inspection by any person during regular office hours <br />in the office of the City Manager at the Roseville City Hall, 2660 Civic Center Drive, Roseville, <br />Minnesota 55113. A copy of the ordinance and summary is also posted at the Reference Desk of the <br />Roseville Branch of the Ramsey County Library, 2160 Hamline Avenue, Roseville, Mn. 55113, and <br />on the Internet web page of the City of Roseville ( <br />