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1 Exhibit A <br />2 Scope of Additional Services <br />3 <br />4 Exhibit A outlines a Scope of Additional Services which as an amendment to the Consultant Services <br />5 Agreement constitutes an agreement between the City of Roseville, hereinafter referred to as the <br />6 CLIENT, and WSB & Associates, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the CONSULTANT for <br />7 professional planning services for the Twin Lakes AUAR SubArea I Infrastructure <br />$ Improvements, hereinafter referred to as the PROJECT. <br />9 <br />10 The CLIENT and CONSULTANT agree as set forth below: <br />11 A. ADDITIONAL SERVICES <br />12 1. Project Phasing <br />13 The original scope of services assumed that these projects would be bid as a single construction package. <br />14 Much of the change in approach from a single project to a multi phase project occurred after the plans <br />15 were at the 60% level. These items increased the overall cost to provide these services by $18,798. This <br />16 created the following additional work: <br />17 1.1 Temporary Twin Lakes Approach - <br />] $ When switching from full plans to Phase 1 plans, the City directed WSB to design part of <br />19 Twin Lakes Parkway for temporary connection to Cleveland Avenue rather than the full <br />20 width, as the Cleveland Avenue and I-35 ramp improvements were not being built. WSB was <br />21 also directed to avoid demolition of the building to the south (Cummins building) if possible. <br />22 WSB designed as directed, but noted the difficult grades adjacent to the building. Through <br />23 right of way negotiations, the City determined that it was more economical to have the <br />24 building removed as part of Phase 1, and directed WSB to add the building removal back into <br />25 the plans, and revised the road plans in this area to include the full width and sidewalk for the <br />26 majority of the formerly temporary area. <br />27 1.2 Financial Phasing - <br />28 At the 60 percent level, the City directed WSB to divide the full project into logical portions <br />29 and prepare a corresponding cost estimate in order to make decisions regarding the scope of <br />30 Phase 1. The City used this information to correlate the limit of the Phase 1 improvements <br />31 with their corresponding funding. WSB coordinated the logical division points with the City, <br />32 prepared an exhibit to graphically depict the different segments, and split the quantities for <br />33 the entire project to correspond to these limits. <br />34 1.3 Alternate Bid Items - <br />35 To accommodate funding concerns, the City directed WSB and Hoisington Koegler to <br />36 establish five alternate bid items for the contract. These items included building removal (in <br />37 case the owners could get better prices), concrete pavers (alternate to colored textured <br />38 concrete), rain gardens along Mount Ridge Road (base bid was just a sodded area), induction <br />39 lighting (alternate to conventional lighting in base bid), and remote telemetry (SCADA) <br />40 system. WSB and HKGi prepared modified plan sheets, alternate and extra specifications, <br />41 performed product research, and modified the bid documents to accommodate these requests. <br />42 1.4 Bidding - <br />43 Bidding services were not included in the original scope of work. At the time of the original <br />44 RFP, the City anticipated that WSB would complete the development of plans and <br />45 specifications only. In 2008, the City did not have funding available to construct the <br />2 <br />