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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April 12, 2010 <br />Page 18 <br />electrical towers over Central Park and their aesthetic impacts. Councilmember <br />Johnson noted that those issues caused him to reconsider his opinion on locating <br />towers in parks; and expressed interest in additional information to develop a pol- <br />icy in the future. <br />Councilmember Roe advised that he was not comfortable at this point making a <br />determination on a policy that stated that towers could not be located in parks; <br />opining that some parks may or may not be conducive to such use; and if the cri- <br />teria were developed adequately, it would address those areas of concern, while <br />allowing for locating towers in open and larger parks that may provide passive <br />areas where they would be appropriate. <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that the visual impact was not the only considera- <br />tion, while it may be primary; however, consideration of taking up space where <br />trees and/or wildlife could be; environmental concerns, while recognizing federal <br />law; and noting that they were not recreational or part of the environment, and <br />were not conducive to park uses, and impacted migrating birds. Councilmember <br />Ihlan sought additional information on the. specifics of federal law as it related to <br />environmental issues; and spoke in support of a clear policy that the City not even <br />consider applications for locating towers in parks, but recognizing the need for <br />more discussion. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the merits of the draft policy developed by staff; po- <br />tential areas of disagreement with that draft; consideration of recommendations <br />provided already by the Parks and Recreation Commission as well as those indi- <br />vidual opinions expressed tonight by Councilmembers. <br />Councilmember Roe suggested that staff return to the City Council, with recom- <br />mendations of the Parks and Recreation and Planning Commissions for the bene- <br />fit of their discussion. <br />Mayor Klausing concurred with most of Councilmember Roe's recommendations; <br />however, he suggested that the City Council provide further input to staff, and af- <br />ter further Council consideration of a revised draft policy, then it move toward the <br />Advisory Commissions for incorporation of their recommendations based on that <br />draft language. <br />Councilmember Roe concurred with Mayor Klausing's recommendation. <br />Councilmember Pust requested information on policies of other communities; and <br />Mayor Klausing requested that staff provide that information before further dis- <br />cussion at the City Council level. <br />