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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April 12, 2010 <br />Page 20 <br />Councilmember Johnson opined that it was not inappropriate to have input from <br />the PWET Commission in developing criteria ,but beyond that it was not neces- <br />sary to have their involvement. <br />Mayor Klausing requested that Councilmember Roe provide specific direction to <br />the PWET Commission as to their role: <br />1) Review draft RFP and provide feedback to staff to take into account and im- <br />prove RFP as it comes forward; <br />2) Possible participation in the evaluation process <br />Further discussion ensued regarding who would make that determination on their <br />involvement in the evaluation process, whether that would be the City Council, <br />staff or the PWET Commissioners. <br />City Manager Malinen noted that if all five (5) of the PWET Commissioners <br />wished to be involved in the evaluation process, it could become problematic; <br />however, one or two (1-2) commissioners could be accommodated to participate <br />in the process, and asked that the City Council leave that to his discretion to de- <br />termine who was involved on those panels, based on their expressed interest, but <br />not at the directive of the City Council or the PWET Commission itself. <br />Public Comment <br />John Kysylyczyn, 3083 N Victoria Street <br />Mr. Kysylyczyn reviewed the history and past practice regarding the recycling <br />contract; his perspective on the role of the citizen advisory commissions in pro- <br />viding input on policy issues; and opined that, given the multiple options for recy- <br />cling currently available, there were multiple policy issues to be considered, on <br />which it would be appropriate for the PWET Commission to provide recommen- <br />dations, in addition to their involvement when bids were received and which op- <br />tion was best for the City. Mr. Kysylyczyn recommended using the talents and <br />opinions of the PWET Commission regarding this process. <br />At the request of Councilmember Johnson, City Manager Malinen reviewed the <br />best value contracting approach for this bid, and criteria envisioned and reflecting <br />community values in the process, weighing each component with those values. <br />14. City Manager Future Agenda Review <br />City Manager Malinen distributed upcoming agenda items. <br />Councilmember Pust requested deferral to a later date than the April 26, 2010 agenda for <br />discussion of the City's relationship with the North Suburban Community Foundation to <br />allow the Foundation to complete their revision of some of their corporate documents. <br />15. Councilmember-Initiated Items for Future Meetings <br />