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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April 12, 2010 <br />Page S <br />Councilmember Ihlan questioned what technology was intended for this tower; <br />how much stronger the signal would be; and whether the City had done an analy- <br />sis of the viability of economic impacts as they related to fiber optic projects; in <br />addition to health and safety concerns of this type of microwave signal and envi- <br />ronmental impacts. <br />City Manager Malinen advised that the intent for this lease agreement with <br />Clearwire was for "wi-max" or wireless internet access signals, stronger to reach <br />broader areas, with their ultimate intent to have a wi-fi cloud over the entire met- <br />ropolitan area to gain internet access. <br />Mayor Klausing noted that, as clarified in previous discussions, the actual physi- <br />cal object was similar to, but smaller than, wireless antennas. <br />City Manager Malinen concurred, noting that it was much smaller that a cellular <br />antenna, as was the cabinetry at the base of the tower. <br />Finance Director Chris Miller addressed the economic viability of this wi-max <br />technology, regulated by the FCC who provides their own due diligence on this <br />technology and their allowance of it; with staff relying on the FCC to advise of <br />any .concerns from a safety and health standpoint, with their assurances that there <br />are no definitive reasons for concern. Mr. Miller noted that this is the third such <br />wi-max antenna array considered by the City, with other private sites also being <br />under negotiation. Mr. Miller advised that the FCC regulated that local govern- <br />ment could not factor in health and safety impacts as a finding for denial; howev- <br />er, he advised that he could not speak to their environmental analysis. <br />Councilmember Ihlan noted that the FCC regulates and limits local government in <br />whether they can deny approvals and the basis for such denial; however, she <br />asked if the FCC had done environmental studies as to whether that signal could <br />interfere with other providers; and opined that she would like any public informa- <br />tion from the FCC made available to the public on environmental issues. Coun- <br />cilmember Ihlan reiterated her concern that the City had done sufficient market <br />analysis on whether this was along-term good technology and that it would re- <br />main profitable and be around in 5-6 years once the rent abatement expired and <br />the City began to realize revenue from the lease agreement. <br />Mr. Miller advised that staff did not have sufficient expertise; however, observa- <br />tions would indicate that the wireless technologies continued to make significant <br />strides in the industry, and he personally opined that he didn't see that technology <br />going anywhere but upward in the immediate future. Mr. Miller noted that, while <br />there was a potential for broadband and fiber optic technology, they remained <br />emerging and expensive, and wireless was proving to be more economically via- <br />ble for providers. Mr. Miller further opined that, once those other technologies <br />