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Roseville Recycling Pilot Program Summary <br />Set-out and Participation Rates <br />City staff conducted field audits of each pilot route, each collection week in order to <br />collect accurate set-out data by identifying households that had curbside recycling bins <br />or carts set out for collection. The results of the set-out data analysis showed that the <br />routes with the largest increase in the number of set-outs were the single-stream route <br />and the Larger Bin Capacity route. <br />Participation was defined as a household that set out recyclable materials at least once <br />during the six collection events of the pilot routes collected every other week, and at <br />least once during the first six collection events and once during the second six <br />collection events of the pilot route collected weekly. The pilot route with the largest <br />increase in participation was the Larger Bin Capacity route. <br />Custo er Attitudes <br />The City conducted two mail surveys, before and after the pilot study. About one-half <br />of pilot program participants responded to each of the mail surveys. In the pre-survey, <br />39 percent of respondents stated that a financial rebate would motivate them to recycle <br />more. In the post-survey, when asked if they would be willing to pay more for the cart <br />system, 49 percent in the single-stream pilot stated yes, and 64 percent in the single- <br />stream contrast pilot stated yes. Of the weekly route respondents, 45 percent stated <br />they would be willing to pay more for increased collection frequency. The survey <br />results are summarized in detail in Table 11 of the report. <br />Conclusions <br />The Project Team has summarized the results of the City's recycling pilot program as <br />follows: <br />^ The largest increase in the number of set-outs occurred in the single-stream and <br />larger bin capacity routes. <br />The largest increase in participation occurred in the larger bin capacity routes. <br />The largest increase in quantities of material collected per household occurred in <br />the single-stream and larger bin capacity routes. <br />Based on the tonnages collected during the pilot routes, it is estimated that on an <br />annual basis, the amount of recyclable materials collected weekly would be <br />comparable to the quantities collected on asingle-stream route. <br />^ The composition of the single-stream routes showed increased percentages of <br />paper collected, decreased percentages of metals, glass and plastic, and an <br />increase in the percentages of non-targeted materials. However, the net quantities <br />collected in the single-stream routes were greater than the dual-stream routes. <br />The pilot route that was provided increased public education materials did not <br />result in a statistically significant increase in the quantity of materials set out at <br />the curb. <br />ES-6 DRAFT Bi6os <br />