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Summary Sheet <br />MS4 Name: City of Roseville <br />Minimum Control Measure: 5-POST-CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER MANAGEMENT IN <br />NEW DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT <br />Unique BMP Identification Number: Sa-1 <br />*BMP Title: Development and Implementation of Structural and/or Non-structural BMPs <br />*BMP Description: <br />As new developments and redevelopments come in for permit staff reviews them to ensure that they comply with <br />the goals and policies included in the City's comprehensive surface water management plan. BMPs such as rain <br />gardens, infiltration trenches, biofiltration trenches, vegetated swales, etc. are installed to manage post-construction <br />runoff. The type of BMP is determined through the plan review process. <br />1) Non- Structural Stabilization: Practices that focus on preserving open space, protecting natural systems, and <br />incorporating existing landscape features such as wetlands and stream corridors to manage storm water at its <br />source. Other practices include clustering and concentrating development, minimizing disturbed areas, and <br />reducing the size of impervious areas. <br />2) Structural Stabilization: a physical device that is typically designed and constructed to trap or filter pollutants <br />from runoff, or reduce runoff velocities. <br />Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: <br />*Measurable Goals: <br />1) Number ofNon-structural BMPs installed <br />2) Number of Structural BMPs installed <br />*Timeline/Implementation Schedule: <br />Currently in place and will continue annually <br />Review and update BMPs annually <br />Specific Components and Notes: <br />*Responsible Party for this BMP: <br />Name: 1), 2) Debra Bloom <br />Department: Public Works <br />Phone: 1), 2) 651-792-7042 <br />E-mail: 1), 2) <br />*Indicates a REQUIRED field. Failure to complete any required field will result in rejection of the application due <br />to incompleteness. <br />wq-strm4-50 <br />