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Summary Sheet <br />MS4 Name: City of Roseville <br />Minimum Control Measure: 5-POST-CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 1N <br />NEW DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT <br />Unique BMP Identification Number: Sc-1 <br />*BMP Title: Long-term Operation and Maintenance of BMPs <br />*BMP Description: <br />1) Comprehensive Surface Water management Plan <br />The City has a Comprehensive Surface Water management Plan (CSWMP) that is adopted by resolution. The <br />CSWMP outlines City and agency goals and policies regarding storm water management. Roseville residents <br />and business owners are invited to the public meetings and participate in the discussion and share concerns and <br />views. <br />2) Fertilizer (ordinance) <br />The City has a fertilizer ordinance that limits phosphate application within the City and prohibits application <br />during certain periods and on impervious surfaces. The ordinance also includes licensing requirements for <br />commercial applicators. <br />3) Storm water facilities <br />The City has an ordinance requiring storm water facilities to be maintained in proper <br />conditions consistent with the performance standards for which they were originally desgined. Clean up and <br />removal of settled materials is required every five years. <br />4) The City currently has a storm water utility fee to assist with funding the long-term operation and maintenance <br />of BMPs and the storm sewer system <br />Location(s) in SWPPP of detailed information relating to this BMP: <br />*Measurable Goals: <br />1) Implement CSWMP <br />2) Implement ordinance <br />3) Implement ordinance <br />*Timeline/Implementadon Schedule:. <br />1) Next update- 2011 <br />2) Ongoing <br />3) Ongoing <br />Specific Components and Notes: <br />*Responsible Party for this BMP:. <br />Name: Debra Bloom <br />Department: Public Works <br />Phone: 651-792-7042 <br />wq-stom4-50 <br />