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NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, <br />1. The City Council finds that the lack of weather resistive siding <br />materials, an approved electrical service and an approved chimney on <br />the home violates Roseville's City Code, its Building Maintenance and <br />Preservation Code, Minnesota Statute and the Minnesota State <br />Building Code. <br />2. The City Council finds the owners of the property have had reasonable <br />time in which to complete the violations (weather resistive siding <br />materials, the electrical service and the chimney). <br />3. The City Council hereby directs City staff and the law office of <br />Ericson, Bell, Beckman and Quinn, P.A. to enforce the City Code, the <br />Building Maintenance and Preservation Code, State Statutes and the <br />Minnesota State Building Code by abatement pursuant to Roseville <br />Ordinance Chapter 407 and Minnesota Statute 617.83 to require all <br />violations be corrected (install siding, soffit and fascia materials; <br />complete the electrical service and raise the chimney) if the property <br />owner does not substantially complete and comply with the abatement <br />order and voluntarily correct all listed violations by 8/31 /2010. <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member <br />Ihlan, and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof Ihlan; <br />Johnson; Roe; Pust; and Klausing; and the following voted against the same: none. <br />WHEREUPON said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />