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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
6/23/2010 11:22:49 AM
Creation date
6/23/2010 11:22:45 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 24, 2010 <br />Page 13 <br />ixies, as long as any screening between private and public property was not too <br />dense and deemed counterproductive to safety issues. <br />Ms. Rust reviewed the history of this area and it's identification as "Rose Way" <br />along Larpenteur Avenue with the numerous garden shops and nurseries. Ms. <br />Rust noted that several participants having plots were within a two block vicinity <br />to the church and already in the neighborhood, and that they were excited about <br />the garden plots. Ms. Rust noted that the church's parking lot entry was on Victo- <br />ria, not Chatsworth and bordered the cemetery, not residential properties. Ms. <br />Rust noted the agreements to be signed by plot participants related to their main- <br />tenance, care of children, limiting those in attendance on site, and other condi- <br />tions. <br />Ms. Rust advised that she had received Ms. Lyman's letter and had reported the <br />two incidents directly to the head of the preschool, who was addressing them with <br />parents. Ms. Rust advised that the plots for children were for their preschool and <br />Sunday School children's use; and sited several examples from Philadelphia and <br />Minneapolis of the success of community gardens in bringing the community to- <br />gether and actually reducing vandalism. <br />Ms. Nyman <br />Ms. Nyman clarified that the entrance to NCPC was not limited to Victoria Street, <br />but that there was also an entrance on Chatsworth immediately adjacent to her <br />property. <br />Discussion among Councilmembers, staff and Ms. Spear as the NCPC representa- <br />tive included, clarification of the requested action by the City Council. <br />In the interest of disclosure, Councilmember Ihlan advised that she had a garden <br />plot in the Oasis Community Gardens and understood their value and demand and <br />the many positives from them. However, Councilmember Ihlan recognized the <br />legitimate concerns expressed by the neighbors, as well as NCPC wanting to do <br />this project correctly. Councilmember Ihlan suggested that it may make sense to <br />go through the Conditional Use process to ensure that formal conditions are in <br />place and that the church is ultimately responsible to ensure maintenance of the <br />gardens and to accommodate all parties. Specific to staff's interpretation of City <br />Code, Councilmember Ihlan opined that she was not opposed to looking at the use <br />as aquasi-public requirement with low impact; however, she tended to lean to- <br />ward the use as moderate impact, and again suggested that the Conditional Use <br />process be used to impose reasonable conditions. <br />Councilmember Johnson advised that that he was not opposed to the project, <br />opining that is had many positives for the neighborhood and would further pro- <br />mote flexibility in the community. As to whether it was a low or moderate im- <br />pact, Councilmember Johnson advised that his only concern in leaning toward <br />
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