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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 7, 2010 <br />Page 14 <br />Council consideration in the future; as well as having the pending proclamation <br />request on the next meeting agenda. <br />Klausing moved, Johnson seconded, that the City Council adopt the following <br />policy concerning proclamations or resolution issued by the City Council: <br />^ Such proclamations or resolutions must relate specifically to an interest of the <br />residents of the City of Roseville; <br />^ Such proclamations or resolutions must relate to a stated policy of the City of <br />Roseville as established in documents such as Imagine Roseville 2025; <br />^ Such proclamations or resolution may be adopted to recognize the achieve- <br />ments of individuals or groups with a Roseville connection or to support the <br />philanthropic works of such individuals or groups. <br />^ The Council will not consider proclamations or resolutions designed primarily <br />to advance the political, financial, or religious viewpoints and/or agenda of an <br />individual group. <br />While not disagreeing with the apparent proposal, Councilmember Ihlan ex- <br />pressed concern that the proposed policy included reference to resolutions; and <br />opined her preference to reviewing the proposed policy in writing prior to the next <br />meeting and potential action. <br />Mayor Klausing expressed his willingness to amend the motion to address Coun- <br />cilmember Ihlan's concerns related to resolutions. <br />Amendment to the Motion <br />Klausing moved, Johnson seconded, that the City Council adopt the following <br />policy concerning proclamations issued by the City Council: <br />^ Such proclamations must relate specifically to an interest of the residents of <br />the City of Roseville; <br />^ Such proclamations must relate to a stated policy of the City of Roseville as <br />established in documents such as Imagine Roseville 2025; <br />^ Such proclamations may be adopted to recognize the achievements of individ- <br />uals or groups with a Roseville connection or to support the philanthropic <br />works of such individuals or groups. <br />^ The Council's policy is not to adopt proclamations designed primarily to ad- <br />vance political, financial, or religious viewpoints. <br />Roll Call (Amendment) <br />Ayes: Johnson; Ihlan; Pust; Roe; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />Councilmember Ihlan reiterated her preference for a week to review the proposed <br />policy by the public and individual Councilmembers before adoption. <br />Roll Call (Original Motion as Amended) <br />