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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
6/23/2010 11:35:17 AM
Creation date
6/23/2010 11:35:16 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 7, 2010 <br />Page 2 <br />Discussion among Councilmembers and HRA representatives included clarifying <br />that the pilot 2010 Roseville Green Award Program was limited to single-family <br />homes at this time; and clarification that the Owasso School site being considered <br />for housing redevelopment was specific to the school site, not the ballfields, not- <br />ing their importance to the School District and community youth leagues, with <br />any anticipated development complementing them and improving parking and <br />access to the fields, all subject to success in forming a partnership with the School <br />District. <br />Further discussion included an increase in foreclosures over the last year, while <br />the available information only providing a partial picture, since data on short sales <br />and those homes in the redemption process are unavailable, but recognizing that <br />the loss of jobs and economic recovering impacting the current increase in fore- <br />closures, above and beyond the subprime loan and ARM factors. <br />Mr. Trudgeon noted that the homes now coming into foreclosure were those of <br />higher value at over $500,000 with four of those higher-value homes in foreclo- <br />sure already this year; and that the average market value of foreclosed homes av- <br />eraged at $224,000, with the average so far in 2010 at $290,000. Mr. Trudgeon <br />advised that the HRA was now involved with the First Look Program, a federal <br />revolving loan fund for qualified developers within the City following certain cri- <br />teria in rehabilitating foreclosed homes, one of those criterion being that the home <br />must remain owner-occupied, and providing up to 95% in financing for those de- <br />velopers. <br />Chair Maschka noted that the anticipated marketing program for the City would <br />include selling Roseville as an environmentally-smart location; and that the mar- <br />keting program would have checkpoints throughout the first year to determine its <br />effectiveness, and would include magazines as well as social networking options <br />to capture the young professional demographic group. <br />Additional discussion included an estimated 75% of the rental properties in Rose- <br />ville currently identified; mechanisms in place for obtaining compliance for that <br />registration; integration of registered single-family rental properties within the <br />annual NEP walk-by program, at no additional cost, to monitor these higher- <br />incidence code enforcement properties, with 141 single-family homes registered <br />as rental properties to-date, with the NEP program well-received by residents. <br />5. Recognitions, Donations, Communications <br />Mayor Klausing announced that the Roseville License Center and its staff had recently <br />been audited by the MN Department of Public Safety on its procedures and policies and <br />had received the highest available ranking allowed, exceeding state-established standards, <br />and 95% error-free processes within 66 different categories, and high marks on 65 of <br />
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