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<br />Apportionment: <br /> <br />Original Assessment: <br /> <br />No. 452 <br /> <br />Apportionment: <br /> <br />Ex W 368.3 ft & ex S 258 ft <br />of W 488.3 ft & ex Mount <br />Dale Add; the S 494 ft of <br />SW ~ of SW ~ of Sec 12, <br />T 29, R 23. <br /> <br />$1,845.00 <br /> <br />Ex W 368.3 ft & ex part in <br />W 552.2 ft of N 552.2 ft & <br />ex S 494 ft & subj to Hwy; <br />the sw ~ of SW ~ of Sec 12, <br />T 29, R 23. <br /> <br />4,230.00 <br /> <br />A.K. Barnum's Garden Lots <br />Part of lot 12 NEly of fol <br />line; beg at E cor of lot <br />12; th SWly on SEly line <br />of sd lot 267.5 ft; th R <br />930 48' 325 ft; th R 88056' <br />20 ft; th L 89034' 99.76 <br />ft; th L 10016' 111.92 ft; <br />th par with extension of <br />sd 93048' line to shore of <br />lake, being part of sd <br />lot 12 <br /> <br />2,248.75 <br /> <br />Ex 50 x 67 ft MOL tract in <br />most E cor for Sewer Lift <br />Station as in Doc 1535987; <br />Part of lot 12 NE ly of fol <br />line; beg at E cor of lot <br />12; th SWly on SEly line of <br />sd lot 267.5 ft; th R 93048' <br />325 ft; th R 88056' 20 ft; <br />th L 89034' 99.76 ft; th L <br />10016' 111.92 ft; th par <br />with extension of sd 93048' <br />line to shore of lake, being <br />part of sd Lot 12 <br /> <br />2,248.75 <br /> <br />Subj to Rd; beg on NE line - 0 <br />of & 20.22 ft NW from most <br />Ely cor of lot 12; th NW on <br />sd NE line 50.56 ft; th SW <br />par with SE line of sd lot <br />67.52 ft; th SE at RA 50 ft; <br />th NE 60 ft to beg, part of <br />sd Lot 12 <br />