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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 12, 2010 <br />Page 13 <br />Paul Lefebvre, 2230 Marion Road <br />Mr. Lefebvre agreed in principal with the pervious speaker. Mr. Lefebvre opined <br />that pavement will never retreat, but that the City Council's job was to slow that <br />process as much as possible. Mr. Lefebvre referenced and read a statement from <br />the Zoning Code's Statement of Purpose; and spoke in opposition to smaller lot <br />sizes; subdivision of lots in the Mansion Hills area; and conflicting action if the <br />City Council's goal was to enhance wooded areas in the community. <br />Terry O'Leary, Maplewood MN resident 2237 Dale Street <br />Mr. O'Leary noted his recent purchase of a property at Dale Street and Highway <br />36, which property was listed as one of the anomaly properties, and his intent to <br />split the lot and build on both lots as a legacy to his sons, with those plans af- <br />fected by the ultimate zoning of the property and setback requirements. <br />Mayor Klausing suggested that Mr. O'Leary continue his discussions with staff. <br />Ms. Van Kalipe, 3155 Old Highway 8 <br />Ms. VanKalipe, a resident of the Executive Condominium complex, noted the <br />current zoning of this adjacent property, and proposed zoning for HDR, and ques- <br />tioned that designation at this busy five intersection corner and safety issues for <br />the heavily used pedestrian area and current wooded area represented by this lot. <br />Ms. VanKalipe noted interest of one area resident in purchasing the property for <br />preservation, and discovery of drainage issues. <br />Mr. Trudgeon noted that this property is currently LDR, with the Comprehensive <br />Plan guiding toward HDR. <br />After further discussion, it was the consensus of the City Council that this item be <br />added for further consideration along with staff's list under Section 3.0, as Item <br />"d;" with Council direction to staff to reconsider the zoning designation of this <br />property. <br />Carolyn Siflo, 2230 Marion Road <br />Ms. Siflo spoke to the larger issue, and displayed an Urban Forestry & Urban <br />Greening study entitled, "Air pollution removal by urban trees in shrubs in the <br />US;" specifically expressing concern in the proposal to change minimum lot size <br />from 11,500 to 9,500 square feet. Ms. Siflo addressed three issues: <br />1) Air quality issues: as a resident of the Mansion Hills neighborhood, she opined <br />that this was a very unique and special neighborhood, and that any potential re- <br />zoning of that neighborhood, and potentially others in the community, be given <br />significant health and safety considerations as part of the zoning equation; <br />2) Opined that the Manson Hills neighborhood is significantly deficient in park <br />space with the dense vegetation on private property enjoyed by all residents; and <br />