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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 12, 2010 <br />Page 15 <br />to HD housing or potential mixed use development; on in conjunction with the <br />Parks Master Plan for potential use for playing fields. <br />Concluding discussion included staff's process for each of the City Council direc- <br />tives and grouping of public hearings for Planning Commission recommendation <br />to the City Council, including "non-anomaly" properties like the "Executive Ma- <br />nor parcel" that the public brings to the attention of staff or councilmembers, with <br />staff alerting Councilmembers throughout the process. <br />c. Discuss Streetlight Utility Ordinance <br />Public Works Director Duane Schwartz reviewed information on the alternative <br />revenue option through creation of a streetlight utility fee, as previously requested <br />by the City Council, as detailed in the RCA dated July 12, 2010. Mr. Schwartz <br />presented various rate structure options for operation, replacement and adminis- <br />tration of the street light program for the 1300 street lights that the City owns or is <br />responsible for, including their repair, maintenance, replacement, and applicable <br />energy costs. Staff had prepared a draft ordinance to facilitate tonight's discus- <br />sion, identified as "Attachment A" to this report. <br />Mr. Schwartz provided a portion of a mapped street light database for the entire <br />city; reviewed current street light policy for their installation at intersections, <br />curves or long blocks over 600', without additional cost to residents. Mr. <br />Schwartz reviewed current funding from property taxes for power and lights by <br />agreement with the state and county for signal lights. Mr. Schwartz addressed po- <br />sitives in establishing a streetlight utility fee for developed properties to share <br />from a safety perspective, and ability for tax exempt properties to pay that fee as a <br />recipient of that benefit but not taxed. Mr. Schwartz noted that the rates were <br />proposed to be based on land use, set annually, and billed with existing utility bil- <br />lings. Mr. Schwartz suggested that the City exclude city-owned properties, such <br />as public rights-of--way, vacant and unimproved properties, railroad rights-of--way, <br />and cemeteries. <br />Mr. Schwartz noted the need for a policy decision for one multi-family area (Ap- <br />plewood Point) that had installed street lights on the public right-of--way and paid <br />maintenance costs, and whether they should be billed the proposed fee as well <br />since they received the benefit of street lights in other areas of the City. <br />Mr. Schwartz noted provisions in the draft language allowing certification of un- <br />paid fees to property taxes, in addition to establishing a dedicated fund for those <br />fees. <br />Mr. Schwartz estimated that a quarterly fee of $4 per single-family residential lot <br />would generate approximately $300,000 per year for covering the operation and <br />capital replacement needs for street lighting; with other property classes to be de- <br />termined, with staff suggesting consideration of a per unit multi-family rate, and <br />