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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 12, 2010 <br />Page 18 <br />With Council consensus, Mayor Klausing requested that staff schedule a Public <br />Hearing to hear public comment on this issue; with staff concurrently providing <br />additional detail to the City Council as indicated during tonight's discussion. <br />d. Discuss 2011 Budget Priority Based Program Ranking Methodology <br />Finance Director Chris Miller presented a list of property tax-supported programs <br />for the City Council's preliminary ranking of budget programs in preparation for <br />the 2011 Budget. <br />Discussion included the current listing by staff of tax-supported programs, with <br />others excluded until a later date as they didn't compete for tax levy dollars; addi- <br />tional and department-specific information requested by Councilmembers to <br />complete their ranking process. <br />Councilmember Roe indicated his need for additional information for some items <br />before he completes his ranking. <br />Councilmember Johnson suggested that individual Councilmembers compile a list <br />of those items needing additional information to complete ranking. <br />Mayor Klausing indicated his perception that the purpose of this first ranking was <br />to initiate discussion. <br />Discussion included those mandated items in the list or at a minimum identifying <br />them as part of the overall list of programs and services; and the amount of discre- <br />tion for individual rankings, even for those mandated programs; and as a general <br />rule and fair assumption, that mandated programs received minimum service le- <br />vels. <br />It was Council consensus that mandatory items would not be included in the rank- <br />ings, but listed as a separate category, as statutorily required; and individual <br />Councilmembers seek additional information from staff as applicable. <br />City Manager Malinen and Mr. Miller advised that they would request Depart- <br />ment Heads to provide a brief, two-sentence description of programs and services, <br />that would hopefully address most questions, with individual Councilmembers <br />pursuing any additional questions they may need, but to share those questions <br />with Councilmembers to facilitate future discussion. <br />Councilmember Ihlan questioned if this process was a good use of anyone's time; <br />and spoke in support of a detailed, line item budget allowing basic overview of <br />programs and deparhnents as done in past budget cycles. <br />