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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/26/2010 10:30:33 AM
Creation date
7/26/2010 10:30:29 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 28, 2010 <br />Page 17 <br />In conclusion, Mr. Groff thanked the City Council for their consideration of his <br />request. <br />Councilmember Johnson deferred to the advice of the attorney at the bench if they <br />felt there was a need to look at the ordinance language. <br />Councilmember Pust noted the ordinance language as passed and read over the <br />last fourteen years; and current case law providing the need for further considera- <br />tion and sending the request through the Planning Commission process, even <br />though she opined that the end result would not change. <br />Mr. Trudgeon reviewed the more formal platting process and review of prelimi- <br />nary and final plats. <br />Additional discussion included the 60-day land use review period and time con- <br />straints with the first portion set to expire August 3, 2010 unless extended; poten- <br />tial amendment of ordinance; determination of unnecessary hardships; the five <br />types of subdivisions and related criteria; and possible review by the Planning <br />Commission at their August 2010 meeting. <br />City Attorney Bell Beckman suggested, rather than having the applicant initiate <br />the process again at additional cost to them, that the City Council ~ direct staff to <br />come back with an ordinance amendment reflecting intent and then to reconsider <br />that application at that time. <br />Mr. Trudgeon advised that the 60-day review period could be extended another 60 <br />days allowing for action in September or October of 2010. <br />Councilmember Ihlan questioned the City Council's rationale in delaying this ac- <br />tion without a discussion on the merits of the proposal or reasons for denial. <br />Councilmember Ihlan expressed her frustration in another example of not protect- <br />ing large lots in this neighborhood as she had originally raised in 2007. Council- <br />member Ihlan noted, that at that time, she had proposed a moratorium on Minor <br />Subdivisions based on her concerns that there was no existing oversight to pre- <br />serve large lots in some neighborhoods; and her subsequent proposal for a sliding <br />scale for lot sizes in some instances that was eventually "shot down" by the <br />Council majority. Councilmember Ihlan opined that this was a unique neighbor- <br />hood; and also noted that the proposed changes to zoning code further reduced <br />minimum lot area from 11,300 to 9,500 square feet and increased impervious lot <br />coverage. Councilmember Ihlan advised that, no matter when the issue came up <br />for a vote, she would vote to deny it. <br />Mayor Klausing, in reading the code, asked Councilmember Ihlan to provide the <br />basis for such denial. <br />
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