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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 28, 2010 <br />Page 19 <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Johnson; Ihlan; Pust; Roe; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />Mayor Klausing directed staff and the City Attorney to reconsider ordinance lan- <br />guage. <br />Councilmember Johnson requested that previous traffic impacts in that area also <br />be provided as background information to the City Council and public. <br />Mayor Klausing, for clarification purposes, noted that 7-8 years ago, the City <br />Council held a discussion on traffic issues, with considerable division in the <br />neighborhood and no further action taken by the City of MnDOT. However, as a <br />result of the I-35W Bridge collapse, Mayor Klausing noted that MnDOT unilate- <br />rally closed access at that time. <br />c. Authorize City Abatement for Violations of City Code at 2544 Fairview Ave- <br />nue <br />Permit Coordinator Munson reviewed the request for abatement as detailed in the <br />Request for Council Action (RCA) dated June 28, 2010; providing a visual update <br />on the property as of today of this single-family, detached home. Mr. Munson <br />advised that the current owners are Kristopher Domeier and Heather Fick; but that <br />the home is currently in foreclosure. <br />Mr. Munson summarized the proposed abatement, consisting of building main- <br />tenance; junk and debris in open storage on the property; a junk vehicle in the dri- <br />veway; and the deck and garage in disrepair; estimating that a total abatement cost <br />of approximately $14,500.00. Mr. Munson advised that normal procedure had <br />been followed, with the property posted for thirty (30) days, multiple notices <br />mailed, all receiving no response from the property owner; and he further noted <br />that the property owner was not present at tonight's meeting. <br />Staff recommended that the Community Development Department be authorized <br />to abate the unresolved City Code violations at 2544 Fairview Avenue. <br />At the request of Councilmember Ihlan, Mr. Munson noted that upon authoriza- <br />tion by the City Council to abate the property, staff would research and involve <br />the bank, at an additional cost of $75, in the process. <br />Pust moved, Roe seconded, directing staff to abate the above-referenced public <br />nuisance violation at 2544 Fairview Avenue by hiring general contractors to re- <br />pair and repaint deteriorated portions of the building and garage; replace rotted <br />deck boards; remove junk and debris; and impound the vehicle; as detailed in Re- <br />quest for Council Action dated June 28, 2010, at an estimated cost of approx- <br />