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of the project, and significantly reduce the City's cost share portion, with the City <br />remaining responsible for the watermain portion of the project, with that cost <br />closer to $100,000 rather than the original estimate of $200,000. <br />Ms. Bloom noted that the City's funding source would be state aid and <br />assessments, so that any reflected cost savings would favorable impact those <br />costs. <br />Discussion included different funding sources for undergrounding of utilities; <br />anticipated schedule for the first half of the bridge construction starting after the <br />July 4th holiday weekend for completion of that phase by fall freeze-up and <br />demolition of the old bridge during the winter months. Mr. Schwartz further <br />advised Vice Chair Vanderwall that he had requested that School District No. 623 <br />be added to the project update list for their transportation considerations and <br />logistics, as well as notice of the upcoming preconstruction conference. <br />Capitol Region Watershed District <br />Ms. Bloom briefly summarized this agency's prof ect installing a new force main <br />at the Gottfried Pitt at Larpenteur Avenue. <br />Reservoir Woods - St. Paul Water Utili <br />Mr. Schwartz advised that this project had yet again been delayed due to <br />expiration of their Interim Permit for concrete crushing activities and their need to <br />go through the application process at the Planning Commission and City Council <br />levels again, causing service of the new tank late this summer or early fall. <br />Sealcoatin~ <br />Ms. Bloom noted that this inconvenient, but necessary annual maintenance project <br />was currently underway and that staff was utilizing multiple sources to keep the <br />public aware of those areas impacted, and subject to weather-related delays. <br />General Discussion <br />Member Stenlund requested information to the Commission from staff related to <br />the Dale Street Swale; and to advise of the Commission's role following <br />construction. <br />Ms. Bloom advised that she would provide information to the Commission, as <br />well as other prof ects of interest, but that she saw no future oversight role for the <br />Commission following construction. <br />5. Recycling Community Values Discussion <br />Recycling Coordinator Tim Pratt briefly reported on the success of the recent sale <br />of rain barrels, with 559 sold, as well as 350 compost bins; with plans to repeat <br />this promotion given its current public interest and success. <br />Page 3 of 12 <br />