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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
8/3/2010 12:43:01 PM
Creation date
8/3/2010 12:43:00 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 19, 2010 <br />Page 7 <br />Council for their awareness and to encourage those specific neighborhood organi- <br />zations, and any that needed assistance in getting organized. <br />Chair Singleton noted one example could be assigning individual HRC members <br />to each district to engage those groups and determine their interests and concerns, <br />and then report to the full HRC. <br />Member Grefenberg referenced the definition of Civic Engagement from the <br />Minnesota Department of Human Rights, used by the Roseville HRC in their <br />grant application criteria to the Bremer Foundation; and was asked by Mayor <br />Klausing to share that definition for the public: <br />"Civic engagement refers to individual and collective actions designed to <br />identify and address issues of public concern. Civic engagement can take <br />many forms, from individual volunteerism to organizational involvement. <br />It can include efforts to directly address an issue, work with others in a <br />community to solve a problem, or interact with the institutions of democ- <br />racy. " <br />Mayor Klausing complimented the HRC and thanked them for their work on the <br />annual community forums, which he found very informative and productive; their <br />sponsorship of the Karen forum earlier this year, and the positive feedback he'd <br />received on that event, as well as the annual Student Essay Contest. <br />Chair Singleton noted the HRC's interest in developing community districts, as <br />well as reinstating a Youth Commissioner to the HRC to provide their voice and <br />perspective on Human Rights issues; as well as reviewing the HRC by-laws, last <br />updated in the 1980's, to ensure they reflect the work of the HRC today. <br />Member Kennedy extended credit to the City's Police and Fire Departments and <br />Ms. Sarah Mahmud for the success of the Karen forum, through their openness on <br />some tough issues and cultural differences, and their willingness to be open to <br />learning as well as teaching, allowing for very good dialogue. <br />Mayor Klausing concurred that the forums provided a great opportunity for an ex- <br />change of information, including expectations, laws, questions, discussion, and in- <br />formative interaction, not just a presentation of lectures. <br />Member Kennedy opined that it may be interesting and enlightening to have such <br />a discussion with the City's Caucasian population as well. <br />Member McKenzie opined that planning was key to the success of that entire fo- <br />rum: by the church partners; School District personnel; and the City's Fire and <br />Police Departments; with the School District representatives encouraging all par- <br />ticipants to learn the Karen greeting as a way to welcome their participation, <br />
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