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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 26, 2010 <br />Page 16 <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that, for policy planning purpose, the City <br />Council should follow the narrative guidance of the Comprehensive Plan for <br />future redevelopment of this pazcel, similar to that done for the Twin Lakes <br />area, with this site having less pollution on site, and suitable for mixed use to <br />serve as a buffer between the more industrial azea in the west part of Roseville <br />and adjacent residential areas. <br />Councilmember Roe opined that the Comprehensive Plan guidance was in <br />place, and that it didn't make sense to pursue a different land use designation <br />until a specific proposal until a specific proposal was brought forward seeking <br />a change. <br />Residential Lot Size <br />Councilmember Ihlan spoke in opposition to the proposed reduction in mini- <br />mum lot size from the current 11,000 squaze feet to the proposed 9,500 squaze <br />feet. Councilmember Ihlan, in the previously referenced bench handout, pro- <br />vided examples from other communities and their approach to diverse lot siz- <br />es depending on the chazacter and topography of a neighborhood. Council- <br />member Ihlan spoke in support of preserving lazge lot neighborhoods where <br />appropriate, and questioned the policy reason for reducing the minimum lot <br />size and where it originated from, alleging that it had been included in pro- <br />posed zoning changes by staff, but was not indicated by any zoning ordinance <br />changes. <br />City Planner Thomas Paschke advised that, from staffs perspective and <br />through its land use consultant, the proposed reduction in minimum lot size <br />was in order to achieve lot size compliance for approximately 93% of the Ci- <br />ties pazcels, through reducing the minimum lot width to 75 feet. Mr. Paschke <br />noted that this affected the City's housing stock, with the existing minimum <br />lot size in place since 1959 and not formally followed with many subsequent <br />subdivisions created in Roseville in the 1970's and 1980's, making them non- <br />compliant with the City Code. Mr. Paschke advised that one of the changes to <br />staff was to look at how to create greater conformity rather than non- <br />conformity for single family residential properties, and that the proposed re- <br />duction in lot size and width accomplished this goal. <br />Councilmember Ihlan referenced the Lot Split Study performed in 2007 by a <br />Citizen's Advisory Group (CAG) and their review of lot sizes; with no ulti- <br />mate recommendation from that group to reduce lot sizes, but rather recom- <br />mending creation of an overlay district to address those properties not in com- <br />pliance. Councilmember Ihlan provided her calculations on potential prob- <br />lems with future subdivision with this lot reduction; and questioned how such <br />a policy would be consistent with the City's desire to pursue green policies, <br />such as addressed by the HRA in their previous discussions. Councilmember <br />Ihlan opined that such a reduction in lot size was not environmentally sound; <br />