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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 26, 2010 <br />Page 20 <br />Gary Grefenberg, 91 Mid Oaks Lane <br />Mr. Grefenberg, having served on the Lot Split Study CAG as well as the <br />Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee, opined that neither document pro- <br />vided credibility to the issue of reducing minimum lot sizes. Mr. Grefenberg <br />reviewed discussions of both groups with substantial discussions held among <br />the CAG resulting in the unanimous decision of the CAG to not make a spe- <br />cific recommendation, and suggested that this proposal was emanating from <br />staff, without much neighborhood input and the CAG being diametrically op- <br />posed to reducing minimum lot size standards; which he also did not see justi- <br />fied by the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Grefenberg suggested that this issue <br />was severable and deserved public input as initiated at tonight's meeting; and <br />suggested that the proposal was being fabricated out of ting area and was not <br />being driven by either the CAG or Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee; <br />and that both groups deserved more involvement again with this issue before <br />it became part of the proposed new zoning code. <br />b. Discuss Adoption of a new Zoning Text Amendment and Adoption of new <br />Regulations for Title 10, Zoning Regulations, pertaining to the Residential <br />Districts <br />Councilmember Roe noted that the Lot Split Study CAG recommended three dif- <br />ferent standards and questioned how the process for developing the currently pro- <br />posed residential districts were developed and how they compared to the three <br />residential districts (page 16 of the Lot Split Study) proposed by the CAG for <br />small residential, the current standard, and shoreland standard and whether those <br />were considered. <br />Mr. Paschke noted discussions on how to potentially address each district, the cur- <br />rent code, and how to address future considerations. Mr. Paschke noted that lake- <br />shores had a much higher standard, and that staff was waiting for new shoreland <br />requirements from the DNR to determine those standards. Mr. Paschke suggested <br />reviewing the overall community with most areas able to subdivide already de- <br />veloped with shoreland areas having no vacant land where one could change re- <br />quirements to allow for additional subdivision of lots or higher setbacks and green <br />area requirements as part of those lot dimensions; with most shoreland lots non- <br />compliant even with current DNR standards. <br />Councilmember Roe requested staff's perspective on potential changes to shorel- <br />and requirements. <br />Mr. Paschke advised that the DNR was currently developing their new standards, <br />at which time staff would recommend modifications to shoreland zoning require- <br />ments and determine if they should be separate and distinct from single-family <br />residential standards. <br />