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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 26, 2010 <br />Page 27 <br />Mr. Carey advised that is was not economically viable to scale the project back in <br />a material manner without a material subsidy to do so. Mr. Carey advised that the <br />developer was not proposing the road, and in their first proposal had suggested <br />townhomes as a buffer between the single family homes to the north and the Coop <br />building itself, but that that proposal had not been viewed favorably by staff or the <br />City Council; and that both staff and the City Council had been adamant that a <br />road to the park was vital, so the developer had moved in that direction. <br />Mayor Klausing refocused the discussion on whether there was a public purpose <br />and to schedule a public hearing; to determine whether additional public comment <br />was called for, and a more formal staff report needed. <br />Mr. Carey listed ways the project met a public purpose <br />^ Provide permanent and improved access to public park at no city cost <br />^ Permanent highly visible signage to public park <br />^ Provide life cycle housing consistent with the City's recent housing study by <br />Maxfield Research <br />^ Many of our buyers will move from within Roseville, with those home re- <br />cycled for younger families with children regenerating the City and School <br />District <br />^ Clean-up a highly blighted, visible area along Cleveland Avenue, with two <br />blighted homes removed, and plans to eliminate another three homes to the <br />south <br />^ Phase I works as a catalyst to Phases II and III <br />^ Plan review fees are substantial <br />^ Increases tax base at the of end of TIF District <br />^ Improve quality of wetlands and Langton Lake <br />^ Park dedication fees are substantial; with further discussion and possible ne- <br />gotiation requested by the developer <br />^ Consistent with overall mixed use proposed for the Twin Lakes area <br />Mayor Klausing spoke in support of pursuing additional public comment at a pub- <br />lic hearing; and was in support of the permanent connection for park access and <br />meeting a specific housing need in the community; and the potential for the build- <br />ing to serve other purposes in the future. <br />Councilmember Roe noted that the proposed project met the basic criteria for <br />public purpose of a TIF District, and while not entirely agreeable to the proposal, <br />opined that additional public comment at a public hearing was worth hearing. <br />Mayor Klausing suggested that, in the developer's written narrative, Item No. 5, <br />the developer give serious consideration to multi-modal transportation due to the <br />project's proximity to the new Park and Ride facility and linking to bus transpor- <br />tation. <br />